it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".
Because Lenka makes my heart stop.
Lots of great news. And pictures this time!
I have purple hair! This is also for those that have yet to see my cutetastic glasses and the shirt that Esther sent me back when we were both relatively new SGs. I love it to death and wear it often. I get alot of comments from guys saying that it's fucking cute that i wear a cubscout shirt, and they offer me theirs, becuase they were all cubscouts. O.o
I also bought the most awesome shirt that Helena put together. I LURV it.
I sent in that new set, and i eagerly await word back on whether or not it's accepted. I'll be sending in some new profile pics too, because i really hate mine.
in other news...
Stein and i decided mutually to get married. The date is set for late march. XD
Also, i love MLE and NewYorkMatt, and i really want to visit them. T_T