it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".
Becuase any woman named Opium and has surface piercings on her back like that with SG colored hair deserves to have a spotlight for a while. Go say hullo.
So i finally have my amazon list up. Hot topic didn't make the wishlist thing very convenient. So there. Amazon.
OMG! goatsgotohell is MOVING! i didn't even know until just now! We need to have a going away party for him!!
i feel so out of the loop. What else have i missed?
I went through my friends list, and had all these SGs that i've barely talked to. it feels pretty nice to touch base with them.
So Stein took my fourth sg-intended set... it's edited and ready to be sent in. XD
hope your doing alright sweetie!
I adore your set. Hope to see more soon. form Amsterdam