it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".
1) Bracket is fucking hot.
2) I LOVE HER HAIR. god that is hot.
3) PEZ!!!!
I will be kind of scarse for the next week or two.
The beautiful Josie was wonderful enough to use her 1337 fucking makeup skillz to help me in my quest to complete my portfolio in time.
Go and see her site. She is teh r0x0r.
I'm still taking questions. I won't be able to record them until this hell of a quarter is over, which is only a couple weeks.
Ask me a question you'd like me to answer. I will make a video of myself answering the question, upload it, and post it. Wee!
"Neanderthal"? Bah to you!