it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".
Geraldine has always been a favorite. I love her.
I got a handful of Valentines in the mail yesterday. I've been feeling bad the last couple weeks for not being able to get my shit printed, so i'm sending love notes to the poeple i promised valentines.
I have my appointment for all the tests and stuff for my eyes to make sure i don't have the early stages of glaucoma in an hour. I'll post pictures of my glasses sometime today.
I'll post videos when i figure out if i have a program that can compress them. haha.
I'm still jacking Mercie's idea.
Ask me a question you'd like me to answer. I will make a video of myself answering the question, upload it, and post it. Wee!
Thanks for your birthday wishes!
i miss you so much...i may not comment to you very often but i do read your journals alot and you always make me smile. i hope our paths run together again sometime soon because i think we need to make out...