HAHAHHAHAHAH! Fucking brilliant!

1. Seven things to do before I die:
1) Start my career
2) Make more many than my dad
3) actually record a full album that doesn't suck
4) shoot a set with Missy, Albertine or Cherry
5) visit a list of cities that i'm not going to list here.
6) reach enlightenment.
7) ACTUALLY learn flash.
2. Seven Things i cannot do
1) draw backgrounds in my illustrations.
2) remember 3 months ago or longer. shitty long term memory.
3) play the Silent Hill games by myself
4) Join the Military
(not for lack of trying: fucked up knees.)
5) Give blood...same reason as howdypardner, go look at her journal.
6) watch anime on cartoon network. i used to love Naruto.... i did.
7) leave this world not having changed someone's life for the better.
3. Seven things that attract me to where i live
1) boyfriend
2) School
3) Openminded people
4) It wasn't the hellpit my folks live
5) shorter commute
6) GREAT food
7) Asian stuff!
4. Seven things I say most often
1) ich sehe.
2) Wie geht es ihnnen?
3) Nanikore?
4) That is Marvelous! / Brilliant!
5) Hollar.
6) For the win!!
7) What the fuck is this?!
5. Seven books (or series) that I love
1) Neverending story.
2) Sunglasses after dark. (not the series.)
3) Guilty Pleasures (not the series.)
4) The sandman series.
5) The Kabuki series.
6) The Orion Series.
7) The Elfquest series. (so i like comic books.)
6. Seven movies/dvds I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1) Fight Club.
2) Aliens.
3) Lady and the Tramp.
4) Dawn of the Dead.
5) Cabaret.
6) Propanda cartoons (if they were on DVD, sunuva...)
7) Resident Evil
7. Seven people I want to join in, too:
1) Mercie
2) Cairo
3) Mnislahi
4) Esther
5) Morgan
6) MLE
7) Rockepidemic
Hop to it.
I'm still jacking Mercie's idea.
Ask me a question you'd like me to answer. I will make a video of myself answering the question, upload it, and post it. Wee!
I got glasses on tuesday. They're bifocals and totally fucking with me. I feel like it's going to take a month to get used to them. I'll post pictures later.

Heaarts, Amina