it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

Isn't Mnislahi luuuurvly?

look, look! Mnislahi did my hair. I can't be happier with it, seriously. I thought it would fade with a couple washes, but it totally didn't. She really did great with what we had.
I look like candy and smell like cake! XD
Still no car. ::sigh:: have to wait another week to get the title from the poeple.
The workload for school just got tons heavier, so my time is going to be a touch more sparse. And by a touch, i mean a shitload.

<Note: All uses of the work PINK have been appropriated by the previous poster. Please try again when the internet has been restocked.>