it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

This picture makes me happy in the pants on so many levels.

The next week is going to be a doozy.
Friday, i see the Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe. Then i see Depeche mode live. omgomgomgomg. ::faints::
Saturday is the open SG meet! I'll see everyone again, especially Saucy! omgyay! I heart her so much.
Sunday is my sister and my father's birthday.
I have an enormous amount of work to do before monday, so this is going to be chock full of fun! wee!
I have to say that the Suicide Girls have been so very extremely helpful, both in my assignments and for my personal projects. I'm so happy to know them. XD

Merry Christmas Deer Dree, 
