Charlie is totally sex on legs. I wish i was half the hotness she is.
You know, i hate to sound like i'm complaining...
I'm watching all these girls go live and get up their first and second sets... 3 sets go up for those girls in the time that i'm still waiting to be queued for my second set.
I'm starting to think that they're just not going to put it up.
Blah, enough of that.
Been feeling rather blah, fighting off a flu and a wave of depression, so i've been sleeping alot. If i had my drothers, i would do nothing but sleep. I've been putting off homework, which is a bad thing since i'm so close to the end, but ever since halloween, i've just lost the will to do anything.
I just learned that my photographer blocked me. wtf....?
I guess it might be about being able to use the word that conveys your exact thought. The best is conjugating one language's verbs with another language's conjugation rules.