it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

There are aspects of Charlie that i find undeniably sexy.

Still tweaking my journal bits. In the process of tweaking Mercie's (a couple size and crop issues), and eagerly awaiting Lenox's dividers. And if any of you other fine suicide girls want a set, do feel free to drop me a line with what you would want your dividers to say.
So apparently Franz Ferdinand writes nothing but break up songs. ::shrugs:: Still not shabby.
I got to seriously rock Stein's world tonight in the sack. Afterward i was feeling weird and shameful and a little humiliated, and i can't figure out why.
This weekend has kind of been a mixed bag. I dunno if i want to get into it, really.
I really look forward to meeting Liante this Friday. XD

I luv your set your sooo cute.