it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

April is so amazingly pretty. This whole set was all pretty 70s pinup. I loved it.

I suppose i should update.
Got the new franz ferdinand cd. It's quite good.
I got to vent pretty hardcore. Downside, i did it to stein ABOUT stein. Which probably wasn't the best thing to do. But boy, have i felt shit tons better since then. I REALLY needed it.
It had occured to me that i hadn't vented in like, a year. No wonder i was feeling all shitty.
Hooking up with an old friend this week... I'm really looking forward to it. She's walking distance from my folks' house, so it'll be more excuse to go home.
Got to hang out with Tigerwong and Cairo... it was awesome to just sit and talk. Shame i zonked out hard enough to miss Bound with them. I look forward to Liante coming down.
I'm just kinda scrambling for things to talk about. So, uh. I'll be going now.
Becuase Morgan made me realize that i never use Cock or Cocksucker as an insult. We both feel that men's cocks and bodies are beautiful, and cocksucking is awesome sauce.

you can send them through my profile contact, that the e-mail I use all the time.
Thank you! can't wait to see! xo

ah i had no idea. check your mail I'll send you the addy. no big.