it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

while i hate to change pics, the tatts on this girl drive me wild.

The day was mighty stressful yesterday up until about 5pm. Then i forgot the printouts of my tickets, becuase i'm a dumb fuck. but we got in, and everything was awesome. it was so rocktacular to hang out with Cairo during the show, and then everybody else afterward.
Stein and Tigerwong dragged me to go meet Reagan. I was a little shakey afterward becuase, i mean, it's fucking REAGAN. Nixon was there too, but Nixon is one of those poeple that i will cry if i meet. I would not be coherent, and one of those dribbling fans that just sits there and squeals about how awesome she is. Yeah, i'm not going to embarass myself like that.
The show was amazing. Fanny is teh r0x0r. And Reno? holy SHIT! she better go live soon!
We got home at 5am. It was such great fun. Even if i blacked out here and there and acted a little weird. I apologize to everyone about that: i've got some significant panic issues, so sometimes when there's alot of loud and energetic talking around me, i freak out, and instead of hyperventilating and screaming as i run into the night, i can sometimes black out depending on how bad it is.
It doesn't happen alot, i swear.
So stein and i are going to set up a party relatively soon. I'll let everyone know about it when we've got everything planned. XD
Oh, and look what Mercie pointed out to me!
Her hotness...

My hotness....

Idn't that awesome?
I less than three you guys.

oh and mr lora. . . . yeah haven't thought about him since I left middle school, he made my life even more of a hell than it appeared to be at that time. . . .:rolls eyes: holy hell i need to go back and hang with you and the twins. . . .my hands smell like play dough
[Edited on Oct 17, 2005 7:23PM]