it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

Possibly the hottest pic of James yet. Yum. What a sexy smirk.

Suicidegirl Nite at BOUND was a surprising success. Alot of closet members came out and introduced themselves. It was seriously nice to see so many random poeple come up and be like:
"Are you a bonafide suicidegirl?"
"I am. ^ _ ^"
"Can i... shake your hand or something? i REALLY like the site."
I give a hug. "We're really glad you like the site. Poeple like you are the reason we do it."
It was awesome to meet Inocencia: she's pretty hardcore to come out to the club and to the show when she's due on wednesday! That is some dedication! i really look forward to seeing everyone at the burlesque show tonight. Providing everything works out and we can actually get up there and back....
also, gratz to Liante for going live YAY!

Haven't told you i love you in at least a week.
If i wash my hair, and promise to use that
lip balm the photographer had me use for
my last portrait,
what's the changes of becoming a member
of your posse too. I KNOW girls have more fun.
(think of him as a lost sheepdog, whimpering
at your dog