Me and my girlfriend (Math).
While we don't have the healthiest relationship, I do find myself smiling a bit. I mean, sure, she's austere and she gives it out all over town---not many of them make her cum either, but a bunch of em get closer than I do---but that doesn't bother me, unless they give her a present that I wanted to get her, which happens occasionally. And while there's not much I can do to impress her, at least she's not going anywhere.
And, man, is she beautiful. I just can't get enough of her.
So when she's grinding her heel into my face, there's a smile upon it---under the wince.
While we don't have the healthiest relationship, I do find myself smiling a bit. I mean, sure, she's austere and she gives it out all over town---not many of them make her cum either, but a bunch of em get closer than I do---but that doesn't bother me, unless they give her a present that I wanted to get her, which happens occasionally. And while there's not much I can do to impress her, at least she's not going anywhere.
And, man, is she beautiful. I just can't get enough of her.
So when she's grinding her heel into my face, there's a smile upon it---under the wince.
But she's so hot, I can never resist her.
And you're a fuckin' rockstar. A true Vigilante Mathematician.