My request for a Clive Barker group was denied. frown
Thank you for both expecting my set and appreciating it.
Things you have to put up with when your mom's a crackhead:

Constantly being asked to borrow money.
Never getting that money back.
Having to lock your things away so she doesn't steal them and sell them.
Finding a crack pipe under the sink.
Never getting a decent home cooked meal.
Dropping loads of money for rehab only to have her relapse a week after....
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To the 2 or so people that may actually read my journals, I am happy to say that I went from an extremely bad flu to nearly perfect health overnight. All it took was 13 hours of sleep too! Today's agenda is to find a new job. I can no longer work for an answering service. My goal is to find a job that requires...
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I think that I am rather on the process of becoming sick
I always hear that brandy recommendation, I should try it sometime.
Main Entry: influenza
Pronunciation: "in-(")fl-'en-z&
Function: noun
: an acute highly contagious virus disease that is caused by various strains of orthomyxoviruses belonging to three major types now considered as three separate genera and that is characterized by sudden onset, fever, prostration, severe aches and pains, and progressive inflammation of the respiratory mucous membrane it has been put on this earth to ruin my week...
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Well it's my birthday today! I'm 24 today and am forced to work on my birthday for the first time in my life. You know you're getting old when you get work clothes for your birthday. Today will suck, but I'm having a party this weekend so there is light at the end of the tunnel.
well know we can get to know each other... wink

happy birthday to you too
And a happy birthday to you as well. At least you didn't get socks and underwear tongue

By-the-way, nice profile pic too! That tie really brings out your eyes.

[Edited on May 04, 2005 8:51AM]
My taskbar is fucked up.
I go into chatrooms and people think I'm an "aryan".
I absolutely hate my job more than any other before it.
I am taking classes at school that I can't comprehend.
I haven't had a girlfriend since the ice age.
I have grown self-conscious of myself and don't know why.
I hopelessly want to hook up with a suicide girl....
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A new set... Perhaps... Some day soon. smile
Ok I changed my name. I am now going by my great great grandfather's first name. It's pronounced uh ryan. It's kind of unique in my opinion. I've never met a person alive that had that name. I've always wanted to use it as a name for my first son. But until then I'll use it for myself.
funny I was looking around and thought you name sounded a bit like mine so i stopped by. HI
I don't know if I like this new screen name. I wanted to put two disgusting words together to form one big disgusting word, but it just sort of looks retarded. I guess I'll just fuck around somemore and see what I can come up with that hasn't already been taken.
And now a quote from our president George W. Bush:
"They misunderestimated me."
Thanks for commenting on my set!
Thanks! wink love