erostratus comes alive
haha i just read the entry before this. as long as your gettin some adobe on the side, its all good
It says "Error 404 File Not Found" but what it REALLY means to say is "roamingaround, you are wasting your life, now go out and meet some nice boys your own age."

I might say that I am in love with Dreamweaver MX.

I want to have a huge polygamous marriage to Macromedia. Of course, I'd be cheating with Adobe, and Macromedia can slut it up with Microsoft. But that's OK. We're down like that.
i endorse this journal entry 100%!
the mx suite is rockin'.
except the flash remoting stuff...which i'm not entirely sold on. but oo-lala! the cross-platformness of cfmx! the libraries of freehand! it made me a little sad how upgrading from cf5 to mx confused IIS a little. it was like MM didn't payoff microsoft or something.
So I'm left wondering:
which one is you?
The guy flipping the bird,
or pointing (in blue)?
Or the one on the end,
mouth open wide,
holding a box
with nothing inside?

The elusive Dick_Army
confounds us again
with a picture of three
finger-centric young men.
I am damn photoshop nightmare and annihilate all pesky design issues. I am the giant robot to uninspired layout's evil giant monster. Vector graphics bow before me as if I were Ming the Merciless and Flash Gordon rolled into one. I can make your grandma Playboy material. I am waxing hyperbolic for no good reason. I am now stopping this like nuclear bomb stops life....
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diarhhea mouth? don't end that. it'a a good thing. well, if it's in non-literal terms. otherwise... yeah, i don't know about that.
i think i have diarrhea mouth sometimes, well, i tend to call it a form of tourettes....
haha ah the joys of photoshop. gotta love it. your entry makes me want to play video games. i think ill go play mortal combat or street fighter now and be my own action figure.
I had it. Then Iost it. Oh, yes, here; Having recently been bitch-slapped by the great hand of my own unemployed sloth, I decided I ought to take proactive measures to stave off my creeping malaise. Nothing worked.

Gag me with a spoon.
I like to think of laughter as a mood ENHANCER (of course, it's never nice to hear during the disrobing process---but any time afterwards is legit).

Sometimes I laugh when I come. I wonder what my bedfellows are thinking when that happens...I'm always too embarassed to ask... shocked
thats why its fantasy... I dont even have enough energy at themoment to fuck my boyfriend....hahahahah dvda
My brain is absolute mush. I think SQL stands for Satanistic Quack-Logic.
take a break. go outside for some fresh air. you sound like your working wayyyyy too hard. and whats the fun in that?
naw honey you takin your exams or something? I used to be the mum to sql trainers and engineers.... I woudl take care of their poor genuis brains and schedule them gaming time twice a week where they could play lan games iwth one another
The past day-1/2 has found yours banally braindumping PHP syntax faster than something that goes quite fast. That is to imply quickness. Am I being clear?

Along with massive amounts of caffeine, reefer, and Turbonegro, I have also been engaging in a goodly amount of nausea-inducing self-reflection and leisure-reading. (The World of Rome by Michael Grant; a concise study of Roman culture and politics by...
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Nausea-inducing self-reflection/leisure-reading is coin of the realm. I have been reading The Magic Mountain since last November, so it seems I have taken these things to heart: arriving in the narrative by way of leisure, and getting stuck there for years.

Sadly, there is no cure. But you knew that.

i feel like i would absolutely love some nausea-inducing self-reflection and leisure reading....well. i guess i could forgo the nausea inducing part. too mucg coffee has been doing that to me on its own.
but those 2 things are definitely on my list of "why aren't i doing these things in my life right now"..
Top of the pops this week revisits my usual dwelling place: regret and my generally disagreeable outlook on life.

Rising with a bullet to the #3 spot this week is my last real girlfriend's parting words to me as I walked out that lonely door: "I don't like you, I just want to fuck you."

Coming in at #2 this week; this disease affects a...
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existance is always worth the effort. youll see. someday. sounds like your girlfriends a bitch. i wish i could say something that would make you feel better but in all reality ive never been in love. im a hopeless romantic though. i just keep hoping that someday ill meet the person wholl complete me.

as for number 2 id say you need to try something new. be daring be creative. theres always room for growth, for change. what is it that you truely, really want in life? whatever it is you need to go for it. be bold. be daring. youll never know what coulda happened, who youll meet, who youll be if you dont try.
You are the best real-time eulogy I've ever met.

I have such a crush on you.

So I have come to interesting impasse: I think I've finally accepted that:

a) I will never have another girlfriend and I'm actually OK with that.

b) I am a natural-born smoker of all things smokable. I have the book on Dutch culture to prove it.

c) I will not die of lung cancer. More likely I will be involved in a fatal car wreck,...
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An addendum:

a) Stubborn pinky toes are hot.

b) "Crack is wack." Or so I've heard.

c) You will probably die in bed with your secretary.

d) Michael Jackson's nose will be your girlfriend. Seriously. It will drop off his face any day now and hunt you down. It just wants to be loved.

e) Neither is pimpin'.

[Edited on Apr 07, 2003]
I typed out a whole witty comment and then my computer thwarted me...

So to sum it up, I hear you
I really think that Ziggy Stardust is the greatest album ever. Yes, yes I do. Even better than Thriller.
oh my god you totally rule! I'm adding you as a friend immediately... I think thats the first time I've done that... LOL I have tears in my eyes from your entry..
hahahahhah mwahahahahahhahahaha

69 pump street *hods sides* oh stop you're killing me... jsut on the day I started saying to myself.. .theres only dickheads on here... here you come lol tongue
60ftqueenie said to check you out for the bitterest(coffee?) views on this automatonic web site called the (virgin)suicide girls site! But I have to say that it's a hard choice between Ziggy and Thriller! How to choose.......
( Have you seen Iman lately, she's what 50 something....the woman is a goddess!!)
Nobody cares, but they'll give you the stare.

I miss California. I need to find a place to live in Portland and get out of the country. I got to ride a motorcycle through the hills yesterday and it made me sad. Almost. I should buy another. Soon. Patience. Patience. Summer is soon. Freedom is forthcoming.
YOU'RE an automaton?

I'M an automaton!

Fancy that.

Thank you for the birthday wishes.
Even when I'm typing I keep biting my tongue when I feel like typing something that I shouldn't. I should really try to break that habit.