Okay so I've had this blog 'written' in my mind for about a month now. It won't go away - I did think about not bothering with it as I don't know what relevance it has. (Science?) I have an exam on influence and I haven't revised for it properly and yet I still feel the need to write this. Least if I do i'll feel kind of inspired and intelligent in some way.
So... Do things happen because they are inevitable or because of influence?
So if you think you're not easily influenced... think again.
You may not give in to people easily, you might not be easily drawn in by adverts, you may do your own thing... but just being alive is technically being influenced. Who's stopping you from not being alive? What's even the point of being alive if you think about it? No person is not influenced in some way.
When someone asks you if you want to go out and you say "Yeah, sure" you are being influenced by them to go out, even if they are not trying to persuade you.
If someone gives you a hug and you hug back, you're being influenced to do just that.
You might not go out and buy something you saw advertised straight away but months later it could still be in your head and you'll randomly think "I want one of those."
If you saw a vulnerable animal or child and went to help them, they are influencing you to look after them - whether you know it or not!
So why are we influenced?
It's pretty much in our programming, we grow up learning what is 'normal' and how to act in a situation. Our parents influence us, our friends influence us, our enemies influence us, songs influence us, TV influences us. The list goes on... without influence we wouldn't even have a personality at all. Even trying to rebel against someone is being influenced because they are making you WANT to rebel.
See there is no easy way out...
We want to fit in and be accepted, even those who act like they couldn't give less of a shit. Without other people we are nothing, we'd be socially withdrawn and unintelligent. We depend on other people to gather information and for survival. We're actually so used to listening to other people that we don't trust our own judgement. If a room full of people told us one thing and we believed another, many of us would feel uncomfortable to admit we feel differently. It's all about being accepted or we're an outcast and we become obvious, and not in a good way. So we are stuck doing things we don't want to do just for our own sanity basically... fucked up, yeah?
We can be influenced to the point we will kill someone, believe it or not... even the most innocent and kind people have the potential to kill. In fact a lot of people feel more distressed at the thought of killing a dog than a human (priorities people...) and yet they'll still kill the dog if they feel pressured and like they have no choice. The reason people get so attached to animals and babies is as simple as they are cute, helpless and innocent. They are biologically made that way for people to want to look after them and increase their chance of survival.
Is it possible everything really does 'happen for a reason' and no matter what we do things will inevitably turn out the same way or do things change because of influence and everything we do differently changes the future?
I guess we can never really know. People are always asking questions we can't physically know the answer too. What came first the chicken or the egg? How are we alive? What made planet Earth?
People are just interested I guess, even if they can't answer their questions.
The egg came first because many animals come from eggs, including dinosaurs. We're alive because of evolution and we've adapted to the point everything in our body just works with eachother and keeps us going... if it didn't happen like that we wouldn't be around to ask the question in the first place. I'm open minded but I have to admit I'm not religious, fair enough to people that are and it's interesting but I don't believe in living to someone else's standards, especially when that someone else obviously didn't write the rules. I don't believe we were 'handcrafted' or that the earth was built together like Lego. I can't give a sufficient answer but basically everything just reacted and then other things were made, just like how things are made now. They didn't come out of thin air they must have been there for years and years and then one day come in to contact and then slowly ... SLOWLY ... things started to grow and adapt.
It's not like it just happened.
Okay so you may not believe in destiny or miracles or anything you can't physically see in front of you... but that doesn't mean it's not there. Remember years ago people didn't know or comprehend technology and yet it was still invented.
You know, people always go on about inventing a time machine. What they haven't realised is the time machine has always been with them. Their brain. What people really need to invent is a machine that can trigger intense thoughts in your brain to the point you can vividly remember your past, and maybe even so powerful that someone could tell you a story about the past and you could envision it in your own mind with clear detail. Now that's a more realistic time machine. No machine would know about the past or future to be able to take you there in reality. Well as far as I know and makes sense.
So will this be invented? Never know. Could have influenced someone to speak about it or even go and make it.
It's does make you think though doesn't it?
In a way it is like everything is done on purpose. Every bad thing seems to lead to something good. (In someone's life anyway).
We are made to perfectly function (Mostly).
There is no easy answer, there is no instinct, we have grown up to learn to do the things we do from influence, if we didn't witness people protecting themselves in a fight we probably wouldn't know how to do it ourselves, just the same as if we witness violence we are more likely to engage in it ourselves. Otherwise we wouldn't know it existed! People have grown up with animals and grown up to act like the animal they were brought up by. We don't just 'know' how to be human.
We learn through positive and negative reinforcement. If we do something and get a bad experience from it, we are less likely to do it again. If we do something and get a good outcome, we'll want to do it more. How simple are we... seriously?
Everything is taught. Influence actually keeps us alive. It's sad to admit it.
The only time influence is just bullshit is when people believe EVERYTHING they hear, and then they think they know everything about that thing from what they heard previously. No no no.
Just because you hear something doesn't make it true, especially if it comes from the media. Most things they say are just to scare people and generate money.
I mean everything in this blog could all be lies for all you know... no one can know unless it is proven. Most things are just theories anyway, there are no facts. Apart from well maybe that butter melts under heat or something. Even then though, how do you know you're not just being deceived in some way? Our eyes are hardly the best perception of what is real.
We may see something completely different to what actually is... just in a way our brains can understand it or feel comfortable with.
Science is mindfucky, don't trust anything or anyone!
haha only joking, but seriously don't believe everything you hear and definitely don't go round thinking you know everything. I admit i've only said what makes sense to me but some people may disagree with me.
Oh by the way, I just influenced you to read my blog. Sorry!