Hey everyone, Considering I have over 1000 followers now I thought I'd write this blog in hope of maybe helping some people that need it at the time. I'm aware sometimes things are stressful and sometimes you just need to read something for inspiration to get you motivated. I'm not saying anyone is stupid and that I know better, these things are completely my opinion. I know i'm not always right. I do seem to daydream and think alot and theres some random stuff going on in my head so if you don't agree with me I will completely understand. I'm not going to say all these things to tell you what to do or offend anyone, just hopefully it'll inspire some people or at least give you something to read to cure boredom.
The point of this blog is just to say, Life is what you make it. I don't want to be all negative and depressing now, but let me start with saying something straight to the point...
When someone finds out they are dying we often hear of them doing everything they can to make their dreams come true and to have a good life before they don't have the chance to anymore. They don't want to regret not doing the things they wanted to do. Unfortunately, the reality is that we're all dying at some point so why aren't all of us trying to have the best life we can anyway? We may not always believe it ourselves, but we deserve to have a good life. Some of you may say well it's not that easy... but like it says in the title of the blog, life is what you make it. It may not be that easy, but with some effort and willpower it really isn't as hard as you might think. There is no such thing as 'can't or impossible' as people sometimes say, you've just got to believe in yourself.
I understand some people will find this harder than others because of problems they experience in their life. I've been depressed before, I have felt the lowest I could possibly feel but I learnt from it, and I want to help people to feel happy because it can be a rare emotion these days. So, I've thought of 12 things to make you happy or at least help you along the way, a lot of it is common sense. I know it's not as simple as just doing these things. I'm not saying to do them and i'm not saying they'll definitely make you happy but it might help some people if they try.
1. Let yourself fall in love
I mean real love and not with just anyone, Some people do seem to tell themselves they are in love but really it isn't that simple. Just being with someone doesn't mean you're in love. I find that people over use the term, almost as if they feel they have to say "I love you" in a relationship, but you should only really say it if you mean it. Personally, I can be really cheesy in a relationship but only if I mean it. I am one of those people that believes in 'romance' I guess. Really though, if you don't love someone or they don't love you it'll never work. It shouldn't have to work, why settle for less when you can have more? If being in a relationship means anything at all people should be with someone that makes them feel good, and put a smile on their face. Not with people that are constantly putting them down or cheating on them. It does seem hard to show someone you love them in some cases though, almost like society looks down on it. For example, public sex is seen as dirty and inappropriate, but that might not always be the case. I admit I don't want to see people having sex but what i'm saying is, even if you are in love, for some people bedroom sex must get boring? What if people just want to have sex outside as they feel it's a romantic setting? We can't really... in fear of what people might think if they see it happening. I know some people don't care and like the thrill of risk and possibly getting caught, but that's not my point. It's just not the same going on a romantic walk with someone, maybe seeing a nice opportunity, no one's around, it's quiet and maybe you get turned on... but then you can't do anything 'just in case' and you have to go and do it at home.
At least here in the UK theres just no opportunity for real love, most couples end up just going to a restaurant, cinema, bar and maybe a walk along a beach or something. Some of you might think this sounds stupid, but if you really loved someone you might want to do more than just typical things. (Although if you really love someone, just spending time with them is fun.) It's not just lack of opportunity to show people you love them, some people just aren't themselves around someone they like. They try to impress and become something they're not. If you can't be yourself around them then how can they love you for the real you? Anyway what i'm saying is, don't be afraid to fall in love, it might not sound cool to you, some people might think "i'd rather sleep around and have fun" if that's the case carry on but being with one person can be fun too. Cheating on people isn't good in my opinion, if you don't love someone don't be with them. If you do love them then don't cheat, it's as simple as that. Even if you got cheated on in the past it's still not really an excuse, if you want sex with multiple people then it's just better to be single so you don't hurt anyone.
2. Don't do drugs
If you want to, that's your business. I know that just by saying this I'm not going to get people to stop doing drugs. If you are already addicted then obviously it's easier said than done. You might take drugs to get away from reality, as a temporary high or just for fun. I find it hard to believe people actually want to do drugs though, I think people that do are either addicted or do it because they know other people that do it. It seems good, but it's not really, in the long run it will be far from good, and if it doesn't affect your health it'll affect your relationships with people. There's better things to spend your money on than getting high. (You can even get natural highs just from doing things that release adrenaline or dopamine chemicals in your body.)
3. Do what you want to do/Don't work too hard
Be an opportunist. Don't be scared to take risks or break the norm sometimes, the best thing to do is relax! Don't think about it so much it stresses you out, but if you can't stop thinking about it then research! (Only with reliable, trustworthy sources that aren't made up to scare you more.) Trust me it helps to know what you're getting yourself in to sometimes! Usually it's not as bad as you think. Don't let little things stop you having fun, some people let fear get the best of them (That's no fun!). I don't necessarily mean do crazy (even dangerous things) but if you want to do crazy things that's fine too, just be safe or you won't live to tell anyone! If you want to do something, go and do it (within reason). It might be getting married, moving house, having kids, getting the job you always wanted or going on holiday. Could even be as simple as taking a break from work (It's not all about working, even adults can play around like they are kids sometimes!) or doing a hobby you've always wanted to do. Don't let anyone stop you. Even just the little things, if you feel like you want to do something just do it, don't regret it later when you didn't take the chance. Spend time with your family and your friends (being social is really good, it's fun and can help get things off your mind) and enjoy your life. Just be more excited about things, immerse yourself in positive thoughts about everything, if you're negative then stop! and start seeing that glass half full... then drink it, and go back to the bar for another drink. (Sometimes you just need it.)
4. Learn something you're interested in or do a job you enjoy
If there's something you always thought about learning, go and learn it. Especially if it'll help you to get a good paying job or a job you'd be really interested in doing. People work better when they are enjoying what they do. You need to have interest in things or you'll get bored quickly, I know some people need any job to pay the bills but you can use that to make money whilst you progress in finding a job that suits you.
5. Save money
Money can't buy happiness, but it can help. A lot of things require money realistically, saving up a bit each month will add up. Make a savings account and just save up any money you can to do something you've always wanted to do, or buy that thing you always wanted that you never thought you could afford.
6. Don't judge others or bitch about people
You can't judge how someone is before you get to know them so don't bother trying. It's only human to judge sometimes but don't let yourself actually believe it. You hear people saying "I hate people that..." Well there is going to be a lot of people that do that thing they hate, I doubt they hate every single one of those people. They are most likely just basing it on one person anyway and people have reasons for doing what they do so there's no reason to dislike them unless you've heard the whole story. Bitching about people just makes you sound insecure, no one has the right to tell someone what they do or how they look is weird. People probably think that about us all the time and that doesn't make it true. It's okay not to like someone, just don't talk to them. You'll feel better not thinking about them at all.
7. Don't control people or be controlled
Don't do things or change to please other people, be yourself even if it's someone you don't want to lose and you think they'll get pissed off. If they do they're not worth your time. I don't even know what would happen if people I knew found out I was taking pictures for SG, but it doesn't stop me from doing it. Don't control other people either, everyone needs to live their own life and you should be happy to see people doing what they want.
8. Help someone out
It'll make you feel good that you benefited someone in some way, what means hardly anything to you could mean everything to someone else. Buy some food for a homeless person, give your friend some advice, help a family member with some work around the house, look after someones kids, even help a complete stranger with a problem. They'll appreciate that you did something for them that doesn't benefit you without them having to ask.
9. Don't argue
There is no point, you'll say something you don't mean and then regret it later. One thing you say in an argument could potentially change your whole life. If you disagree with someone, talk to them about it and explain why calmly. If they shout at you just leave them to calm down, you don't need to shout back and it won't get your point across you'll just be giving them a reason to argue more.
10. Don't expect things
If you expect too much you're never going to get the things you want. If you don't expect things you can never be let down. Be nice to people unconditionally and give things without wanting anything back. Even if you plan something it doesn't mean it's going to happen, something could happen to change plans and no one can know exactly what will happen in the future so just take things as they come and make the most of what you have.
11. Be healthy
Eat a balanced diet (An apple a day!) and don't eat too much or not enough of one thing. Don't diet too much or not eat at all though, because that can be just as bad. Find a way of exercising that helps you relax, Even if it's just going for a walk, don't do something you can't handle. You might hate the thought of exercise but it actually can help a lot. It releases endorphins in your body which makes you feel happier, it helps you to destress, gives you energy and eases anxiety. Try and get 8 hours of sleep a night (no more, no less... yeah you read that right, wake up you lazy fuckers :) )
12. Don't stress
There's no point in worrying, if bad things are going to happen they'll happen regardless. Sometimes bad things happen so we can learn from them and improve. So don't try to stop it, and just stay strong. If you don't over think things, don't worry too much (Which personally, I'm guilty of doing) and just have a positive outlook on things, you can be happy. Let yourself be happy! Getting stressed makes things seem 10x worse than they actually are and stress can be worse than the problem itself (stress has the ability to actually cause pain). Nothing is as bad as it seems or people make out. So relax and smile! If you can't smile, do stuff that makes you smile.
Some of these things might seem harder to do than others, it's not always easy to find ways of making money that are realistic, it can be hard to get a job let alone a good one! So you might not feel like doing any of them or not have the motivation to do them and that's okay. If you try it's better than nothing, you can at least say you tried. I'm sure putting some effort in to your own life and having respect for yourself is better than a life spent regretting things you didn't do. I admit that even i'm yet to do some of these things and doing them all sounds like just an inconvenience, no one is perfect. Sometimes you just want to tell people to fuck off or maybe break the rules for fun and well one of these things was "Do what you want." (I'm not responsible if you make a bad decision and suffer the consequences :P ) The main thing i'm trying to say is just get out and explore, and do it sober, do everything you want to do whilst you can and try and have a good relationship with friends and family. Do what makes you happy and don't expect it, earn it.
If you're sat at home watching TV all day everyday or sat at home getting high, don't think "well that's my life" If you do that then you may aswell be living the life equivalent to a flower in a cupboard. I've been to pet shops and have seen animals in really small cages, you would have thought they'd at least give them a big tank that matched their natural habitat. They could potentially be somewhere in the wild and they're in a box. We feel sorry for them, but some of us actually live like that. You can't meet great people or explore great places living like that, there's more to life and you can do these things just like other people have. Find opportunity and take control of your life, just do whatever you can to make these things possible for you. Don't give up or create obstacles, life is hard enough as it is without you being your own worst enemy. If any of you try to do any of these things, or do them more often then that's good, let me know if any of these things work for you.
If anyone does have any problems that are bothering them or you can't get something off your mind then I can honestly say, I don't mind if you want to talk to me about it. I may not be your best friend but sometimes talking to a complete stranger helps. I'm not going to judge you and even if I can't help you I will try my best to help you get it off your mind. Just send me a message. :)