MUSIC IS A DRUG <<< Check it out if you want to see me smile, it's a rare occassion!
As many of you know I don't like my smile, which is why I never do and I especially don't take pictures when I do. Although today was the exception.
Some of you have said you like it when I smile so I thought i'd upload the pictures, there's alot. I was just messing about whilst listening to music, it makes me do weird things! Listening to music for me is one of the best feelings ever, it's right up there with having a pee when you really needed to but couldn't for ages... (Sorry, you got to admit it's true though!)
I deleted a load of these pictures, It made me think "oh god, so this is how people see me?!" Was funny really, you'd be surprised how many different facial expressions you can make just by singing... or maybe that's just me. I looked confused, angry, sad and even in pain in some of them! Not attractive haha! I kept the happy ones for you all though! (Unfortunately :P)