I just wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome to the site. I appreciate all the follows and likes so early on, they do not go unnoticed! Everyone seems so friendly, People like you set a good example for Suicide Girls and the alternative scene in general. I'm glad to be welcomed in to such a great community. I genuinely feel like this is the place to be to not get judged for who you are, which is really nice.
In all honesty I didn't really expect a site like this to feel like that, Although I guess when people sign up they know what to expect. Everyone seems appreciative to be here and making friends. Not bitching about people and making them feel like shit, which anyone could do on any other website. It's different here, you don't have to feel insecure and worry what people think about you. Not that you should anyway.
I'm definitely going to be on here often, so far it has been very de-stressing. :)