20 stitches in my left knee. No broken bones.
What is in the spoilers below is not for the faint of heart.
I went down to LA Friday with about 30 friends and 4 bands from Oakland for Culture Shock Fest. I was there maybe 2 hours before the accident happened. I was on my friends skateboard heading from the van to my buddies house a block away, crossing the crosswalk, when a car comes outta nowhere. I didn't have time to stop or get outta the way. I smashed into the car and bounced off it and hit the pavement.
Somehow with my super human strength (or with a tremendous amount of adrenalin from the shock) I was able to get up, grab my board, and walk to the curb and lay down. All I can remember saying is "Oooooohh fuck," looking at the bone in my knee from the inch and a half deep gash, "I hope they won't have to take out a chunk of my ass to fix this."
I can't remember much else. I guess I made a fuss with the LAPD 'cause I wouldn't give a statement. I must have been looped out of my mind, and rightfully so considering my head was gushing blood. My friend saw the whole thing and made a statement. The police took away the drivers car for 30 days, and my friends told me they talked mad shit to her because she was crying feeling sorry for herself, not having the convenience of a car to go to work, while I was being loaded into the firetruck and taken to the ER. Well at least she can WALK to work.
I am on a whole mess of drugs. 2 kinds of antibiotics, and 2 kinds of pain killers. I'm in a leg brace and using crutches. Doctor said as long as I don't get an infection the stitches should come out in 2 weeks. For the record, the care I received in LA was no where near as decent as the care I got in Oakland. Maybe it's common practice to treat all patients with no insurance this way. They didn't want to give me any pain pills because the doctor said I was drunk. They didn't prescribe me any antibiotics, for whatever reason. And the stitches the doc gave me look like they were part of the special effects makeup for Bride of Frankenstein.
I go and meet with a Personal Injury Lawyer tomorrow to talk about a lawsuit. I have never sued anyone before, so I am kinda nervous. What if they say it was all my fault? What if I can't remember all the information they want? How do I get all the right documents? It's pretty overwhelming for me right now.
With the bum knee I don't even know how I am going to be able to move all my stuff into a new place if I can hardly even walk. I can't drive either. I'm so broke right now to, I am relying on my friends to give me rides to the hospital, and feed me and help me out with necessities.
So needless to say, I could really use your help by supporting my new set. I know it sounds like a trivial thing considering what I have gone through, but the reality is that I have no other line of financial support until I can walk again.
Some of the members have also asked to donate to my PayPal to help me out how they can. You are welcome to send me a PM if you want to get my PayPal info, if you feel so inclined.
Also send me a PM if you want my address to send get well soon mail. I have been stuck on the couch all week, and could really use a bit of love.
And just for humors, I attempt to make fun of myself.
I love you guys, really. All your support and kindness is making the pain go away.
Thanks so much for everthing