Well I am taking a page from Thaddius and Ilectra and am doing a photo blog...
What that means is that I am enclosing some photos that represent certain things about me and to me. Now...your job is tell me what you think each of these photos means to me.
Then, once you've all had a chance to put in your two cents, I'll post a new blog with the real answers
You can make it funny...you can make it serious...you can do one word...you can write a book...just have fun!
What that means is that I am enclosing some photos that represent certain things about me and to me. Now...your job is tell me what you think each of these photos means to me.
Then, once you've all had a chance to put in your two cents, I'll post a new blog with the real answers

You can make it funny...you can make it serious...you can do one word...you can write a book...just have fun!
2. This apple looks suspiciously like a vagina... what kind of vagina's have I been looking at lately?
3. Lovers in love
4. The others run away
5. I got nothing it's box art.
6. Worst tattoo EVAR!
7. No seriously jump off I'll catch you...
8. There has got to be an easier way to drink this.
9. Durka durka mohamad jihad (gotta love Team America World Police)
10. Something is not right in this picture but I just can't place it.