É hora da festa, todo mundo!
Or as we say in English, IT’S PARTY TIME, EVERYONE!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎸🎼🎶🎶🤘!!! And welcome to Part 1 of my photo blog on the BLACKHEART BURLESQUE SHOW from the night of November 7th, 2019 in Spokane, WA!!
In addition to lots of fun and SEXY pictures, this blog will also include a chronicle of my misadventures and a most curious follow up from the following night. As you most likely have already noticed, I have lots of little videos to share, too. They are brief snapshots of each skit or routine, and are not meant to be complete, as anything longer than a minute takes too long to load for most members using their cellphones, and I wanted the videos to be easily accessible to everyone. So, if you’re not already relaxed, I would encourage you to slip into or out of something more comfortable, then sit back, relax, and enjoy while I share my experience of the BLACKHEART BURLESQUE!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Let’s backtrack for just a moment to my last real blog on 23rd October, when I announced that I would be promoting the Blackheart Burlesque by posting on social media and by putting up posters, well, I’m guessing that there weren’t a lot of people doing that, because I got a congratulatory email from @Teal telling me I won two VIP tickets only a couple of days later! This was really wonderful news, as it made VIP tickets for 5 girls suddenly VIP tickets for 3! That saved me and my friends about $200! Thank you @Teal and the @BlackheartBurlesque for running the contest! I used a portion of the money I saved to buy a poster based on the very same promotional flyers I put up on the internet and bulletin boards in Spokane!
Fast forward to the afternoon of Thursday, Nov. 7th. As usual, I was struggling to get away from the office at the time I scheduled to leave, because my team needed help. On top of that, I had an appointment I needed to attend before I went home to change. Now, the meet and greet with the SG’s at the B🖤B started at 6:30pm, and I had tried to get all the girls to agree to get there as close to that as possible the night before, but there were a couple who felt it was too early, so we agreed on 7:30pm instead, since the Doors opened at 8pm, and the show didn’t start until 9pm. However, one of the girls properly intuited that 6:30pm was the better choice, and she really wanted to take advantage of the meet and greet. Unfortunately, she waited until the afternoon of the event to let me know this, and I had walked to work instead of driving, based on the original planned timeline. The combination of the stepped up timeline and the fact that I got away from the office 45 minutes late automatically guaranteed I was going to be late for the event. I emotionally shrugged it off, and did everything I could to make sure the other girls had the opportunity to meet the dancers, and luckily, they all got there before the meet and greet ended at 7:30! In the picture above, the SGs look like Sorority sisters waiting for pledges to show up, don’t they? 😂 While I scrambed to put myself together (I had to forego doing my nails, which I had been keeping short and unpolished due to guitar work on a song for my band), my girlfriends had photo ops with all the dancers, @Liryc, @Saria, @Cleodora, @Keya, and @Linley, the hostess, @ellisDee, and the troupe comedienne, @Jennings. Color me jealous; of all the girlfriends, I was the only card-carrying SG member at the time, and there was one particular SG I really wanted to meet, in addition to @Eirenne, who sadly was not on tour at that point, so I was unable to share the wishes of @Marlene; sorry, girl. 😔
However, if you’ve read my blogs before, you know I’m not the kind of girl that lets things get her down, so I just acknowledged that I was obviously not supposed to meet the SGs in person (one last tear 😢), and focused on enjoying the fact that all of my girlfriends had managed to extract themselves from their busy lives to be here with me. In my absence, they had taken advantage of the VIP tickets and early arrival to obtain second row seats, and saved me the one furthest to the left. I didn’t realize until the show started just how awesome my girlfriends are, and that they had given me a gift: my seat was dead center to the stage. We were at the Knitting Factory, where I most recently saw The Iron Maidens; I was seated in a spot, where, if I were able to go back in time to see The Maidens from where I was sitting, I would have been looking at the back of my own head! 😃🤣
Before we get to the stars of our show, let me introduce you to the stars who are such awesome girlfriends to me:
Left to right: From Falcon Squad: Lt. Blackbird, an artist and craftswoman extraordinaire, specializing in the use of skull 💀 imagery; and Lt. Sparrow, horror cosplay expert and the only one of us actually deserving of a military title, as she is a decorated veteran of combat in the U.S. Military. From Squirrel Squad: Secret Squirrel, a writer of gripping horror and crime stories also gifted with an intuition so powerful it’s almost scary; Ronis, the Flying Squirrel, a talented artist and graphic designer with the fashion sense of a New York magazine executive, and finally little ol’ fashionably late me, Lt. Dhyani, a.k.a., Squirrel Leader, writer, musician, artist, and SG Hopeful wannabe 😉.
So! After the girls got some drinks and some fries, we settled in, and once the doors actually opened a bit after 8pm, I was extremely pleased to see that the Knitting Factory filled up, I think, all the way to capacity, and then, the lights went down, the music was turned up to the point where it massaged my heart like a good wand vibrator, and @ellisDee took the stage to introduce the girls of the Blackheart Burlesque!
First up, of course was the comedy routine of Lindsey @Jennings, who started us off easily with a joke about how she has always had a dark sense of humor (see the first video, re: tickling funny bones), and then proceeded to get naughtier and naughtier with every comedic jab, addressing topics from men with milimeter peters to her 3 day career as a stripper made brief due to yeast infections, to the unintentional sexual abstinence that comes from life on the road. At one point, she expressed that it became a team sport for the girls to act as wingwomen to make sure at least one of them got laid as they traveled, and if one of them got laid, it was an emotional relief as if all of them had gotten laid. 🤣 Go team B🖤B!
I didn’t go to the show with intention of being a videographer or to compile a set list like I do at concerts, so I don’t recall the order of the skits and routines, nor do I intend to try to share them all. The Suicide Girls Blackheart Burlesque is a fabulous time - I’m sharing this for two reasons: one, I haven’t seen anyone else do a serious blog on the topic here on the SG site itself, and two, to encourage any of you who have the opportunity to go to get your lazy butt off the couch, turn off the bloody television and/or video games, and go see these talented girls! If you live in California, there’s still a chance you can see them before the end of 2019!
So, let’s show you why you want to pay some of your hard earned pay to see them!
I thoroughly enjoyed the Star Wars skit, the music they played was derived from Darth Vader’s theme from the Empire Strikes back.
Ms. @Cleodora’s flexibility and body strength is ASTOUNDING! I wouldn’t call her a contortionist, but I certainly can’t bend and stretch like she can; I had to wonder at a certain point if she has any bones (just kidding, but really)!
I did not expect that some of these girls are also amazing singers! @Saria did a phenomenal rendition of “I Put a Spell on You,” that was more jazz based than the more popular blues based version of the song while continuing to remind us that she was still a burlesque dancer at the same time!
@ellisDee did a wonderful little tune that is quite apparently drawn from Disney’s “Toy Story,” in which Bo Peep sings a song about relying on her stout staff...and sex toys. I believe the title is, “I’ve Got a Friend in You,” although it could be, “I Have a Friend in Me,” and I don’t mean being her own friend, 😂!
I don’t have many vices left in my life - anything I might want to enjoy, like, say, alcohol, is usually met with health consequences that I cannot withstand. But I have one: movies, and I love how the B🖤B derives their ideas from science fiction films, not just classics like Star Wars, but also more avante-garde titles like The Fifth Element! I hadn’t thought about the burlesque opportunities associated with “thermal bandages” until I saw this show. At one point, it was revealed that @liryc is the choreographer for the show. If you thought up all these routines, @liryc, OMG, you are AMAZING!
Speaking of @liryc, she did a solo that really blew me away - which I will share a video snippet of and still photos in part two, which I will write tomorrow night. I think you’ll love it too - she drew upon one of my favorite recent super hero films, using the main character costuming from Black Panther! Watch my page for part 2 of the Blackheart Burlesque blog!
Infinite Love!
- Dhyani