Hi, Oi, Hola, Salut, and Здравствуй everyone!
Hello again, everyone. Yesterday, 24 Nov. 2018, I took the time to read an article about the Holodomor, which was a man-made famine created by the Stalin regime from 1932-1933 that caused somewhere between 3.3 to 7.5 MILLION Ukrainian men, women and children to starve to death. This tragic event tends to be glossed over in U.S. History books. I remember when I was in school, it was mentioned in such a way as to make Josef Stalin and the USSR look as bad as possible and to emphasize that capitalism was better than communism. However, the magnitude of this event as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian people was not emphasized, and even today we don’t know exactly how many died, because the Stalinist regime attempted to cover up the truth.
One of my co-workers at my day job speaks fluent Russian, but she is quick to point out that she is actually Ukrainian. I never asked her how her family came to America, but she recently told a story that her father had related about how they had stored grain and other foodstuffs in the attic space of their homes in order to have anything to eat as opposed to giving it to the government. I have a feeling she was telling me about the Holodomor without realizing it.
I was glad I saw information on the web about the “Light A Candle in Remembrance” event at 4pm, because it shows that, in spite of Donald Trump and other world leaders who are attempting to infringe upon the human rights of specific minority groups, the people of the world are still aware of the injustices of the past AND the present. I lit my candle and placed it in the window, where it still burns.
So, as I sit here comfortably, having enjoyed Thanksgiving and the privilege of regular meals, I am reflecting upon the recent surge in the number of beautiful Ukrainian SGs and Hopefuls here on Suicide Girls, and I am noting the fact that their beauty is also marked by a resilience and strength that comes from their families - they are survivors of a great tragedy, they deserve our respect and our love, and there are a lot fewer of them than there could be.
Of course, totalitarian governments and criminals all over the world continue to abuse the human rights of those they choose to discriminate against. I would encourage each of you to: 1. Stand up for yourself if someone attempts to take your rights from you, 2. Vote to protect the rights of everyone whenever possible, and 3. Be willing to stand up for someone else when you see their rights being infringed upon. We MUST remember events like the Holodomor and the Holocaust, because if we don’t, THEY WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.
To our beloved Ukrainian SGs, Hopefuls, and members, I say:
Вы красивы, могущественны и прекрасны, как Феникс, который поднимается из пламени и пепла. Вы вдохновение.Пусть ваши люди никогда не придется страдать таким образом, когда-либо снова.
Your are beautiful, powerful, and wonderful, like the Phoenix that rises from the flames and the ashes. You are an inspiration. May your people never have to suffer in such a way ever again. (I wish I knew the difference between the Russian and Ukrainian languages, and I hope that my translator tool worked properly.)
Much Love,