Gadzooks! I've been tapped! Twenty things you may not have known about Dholokhov:
1. Despite the fact that a Special Commission found that he bore no legal or moral liability for the failure of the Maginot line, confidants say he took the matter extremely personally and has regretted it ever since.
2. Dholokov was invited to the Fourth Lateran Council, where he argued vehemently against adopting the doctrine of transubstantiation. He expects to eventually be vindicated.
3. Dholokhov can be attractively photographed from exactly one angle. It can be best described as the opposite of that appearing in his profile pic.
4. In the early twentieth century, Dholokhovs unique bone structure and small size lent credence to the notion that he was descended from a lost race similar to, but distinct from, homo sapiens. As any physiological differences are extremely minor (and his wings, although prodigious in span, are almost certainly vestigial), the issue is considered to be one of anthropological taxonomy only.
5. By scrupulous attention to serial numbers on all kinds of numismatica, Dholkhov has ascertained that over the course of 14 years, he has been given, as change, the exact same American $1 bill in each Canadian province, 34 of the lower American states, and four continents (including Antarctica but excluding South America).
6. The original title of the Bon Jovi classic was NOT Dholokhov, You Give Love a Bad Name. However, Dholokhov is said to be the inspiration for the Juice Newton song Loves Been a Little Bit Hard on Me. He did not engineer the album Field Commander Cohen, or produce PsychoCandy. He did, however, suggest the title for Trout Mask Replica, not that he thought anyone would use it.
7. Dholokhov did not write any of the works attributed to William Shakespeare. Any theories to the contrary are based on poor scholarship and are easily rebutted.
7-a. He is, however, the author of a well-received Braille surgical manual for blind doctors.
9. Dholokhov is one of 18 known people to have sat on the English Kings Bench under the name and title Lord Denning. He is best remembered for writing the majority opinion in a particularly thorny case which settled the rights of soldiers serving overseas to write unwitnessed wills & testaments.
10. Dholokhovs version of five card stud, which involves three jokers and an algorithm by which the value and suit of each card is altered differently in each successive hand, remains the most played variation of poker in several desert towns in the American Southwest. There is a drink that goes with the tale, the recipe for which cannot be reproduced here for intellectual property reasons.
11. Dholokhov composed the I like the Sprite in you jingle, for which he feels he has done adequate penance, thank you very much.
12. All examining physicians agree that Dholokhov has successfully contracted and overcome every form of rhinovirus. While this should make him afterward completely immune to the common cold, he often develops the sniffles in early winter and late spring. To the best of medical knowledge, this indicates a new strain of disease, called in certain circles the undervirus.
13. Dholokhov is the answer to 16 trivial pursuit questions, if the original Silver Screen edition is counted. 15 of these questions refer to the man himself, although none make use of any of the information presented herein. Nobody remembers the 16th question, and nobody has ever gotten it right.
14. Dholokhovs phone number is 416-000-0006. It isnt known who, if anyone, possesses the numbers 416-000-0001 through 416-000-0005.
15. In some primitive but living languages Dholokhov is the root of a verb, noun, and adjective. The man himself gives no encouragement to this practice.
16. Dholokhov was the owner of the Fans of Geoffrey Chaucher group, which was shut down by the SG administration for disuse a record 34 days after its inception.
Its single thread, titled Whats Your Favourite Work by Chaucher drew only seven responses, each of which was The Book of the Lion (You know who you are, you wiseasses).
17.Dholkhov never owned a pet dragon. Dont be foolish; dragons dont exist and its unlikely they could be tamed if they did. Such misconceptions are almost certainly due to improper translations of a series of Aztec hieroglyphics.
18. Specific convention in each Commonwealth country prevents Dholokhov from ever taking on the role of Prime Minister or holding a cabinet post in any of them. The New Zealand one makes broad hints, the rest refer to him by name.
19. Dholokhov was at one point a descriptive Jungian archtype, until modesty and common sense prevailed.
20. Dholokhov was accpeted to Yale for the graduating class of 1968, despite the fact that he supplied no supporting materials with his application form, which was blank except for his name. His graduation picture, shown above right, is the only known photograph of him.
1. Despite the fact that a Special Commission found that he bore no legal or moral liability for the failure of the Maginot line, confidants say he took the matter extremely personally and has regretted it ever since.
2. Dholokov was invited to the Fourth Lateran Council, where he argued vehemently against adopting the doctrine of transubstantiation. He expects to eventually be vindicated.
3. Dholokhov can be attractively photographed from exactly one angle. It can be best described as the opposite of that appearing in his profile pic.
4. In the early twentieth century, Dholokhovs unique bone structure and small size lent credence to the notion that he was descended from a lost race similar to, but distinct from, homo sapiens. As any physiological differences are extremely minor (and his wings, although prodigious in span, are almost certainly vestigial), the issue is considered to be one of anthropological taxonomy only.
5. By scrupulous attention to serial numbers on all kinds of numismatica, Dholkhov has ascertained that over the course of 14 years, he has been given, as change, the exact same American $1 bill in each Canadian province, 34 of the lower American states, and four continents (including Antarctica but excluding South America).
6. The original title of the Bon Jovi classic was NOT Dholokhov, You Give Love a Bad Name. However, Dholokhov is said to be the inspiration for the Juice Newton song Loves Been a Little Bit Hard on Me. He did not engineer the album Field Commander Cohen, or produce PsychoCandy. He did, however, suggest the title for Trout Mask Replica, not that he thought anyone would use it.
7. Dholokhov did not write any of the works attributed to William Shakespeare. Any theories to the contrary are based on poor scholarship and are easily rebutted.
7-a. He is, however, the author of a well-received Braille surgical manual for blind doctors.
9. Dholokhov is one of 18 known people to have sat on the English Kings Bench under the name and title Lord Denning. He is best remembered for writing the majority opinion in a particularly thorny case which settled the rights of soldiers serving overseas to write unwitnessed wills & testaments.
10. Dholokhovs version of five card stud, which involves three jokers and an algorithm by which the value and suit of each card is altered differently in each successive hand, remains the most played variation of poker in several desert towns in the American Southwest. There is a drink that goes with the tale, the recipe for which cannot be reproduced here for intellectual property reasons.
11. Dholokhov composed the I like the Sprite in you jingle, for which he feels he has done adequate penance, thank you very much.
12. All examining physicians agree that Dholokhov has successfully contracted and overcome every form of rhinovirus. While this should make him afterward completely immune to the common cold, he often develops the sniffles in early winter and late spring. To the best of medical knowledge, this indicates a new strain of disease, called in certain circles the undervirus.
13. Dholokhov is the answer to 16 trivial pursuit questions, if the original Silver Screen edition is counted. 15 of these questions refer to the man himself, although none make use of any of the information presented herein. Nobody remembers the 16th question, and nobody has ever gotten it right.
14. Dholokhovs phone number is 416-000-0006. It isnt known who, if anyone, possesses the numbers 416-000-0001 through 416-000-0005.
15. In some primitive but living languages Dholokhov is the root of a verb, noun, and adjective. The man himself gives no encouragement to this practice.
16. Dholokhov was the owner of the Fans of Geoffrey Chaucher group, which was shut down by the SG administration for disuse a record 34 days after its inception.
Its single thread, titled Whats Your Favourite Work by Chaucher drew only seven responses, each of which was The Book of the Lion (You know who you are, you wiseasses).
17.Dholkhov never owned a pet dragon. Dont be foolish; dragons dont exist and its unlikely they could be tamed if they did. Such misconceptions are almost certainly due to improper translations of a series of Aztec hieroglyphics.
18. Specific convention in each Commonwealth country prevents Dholokhov from ever taking on the role of Prime Minister or holding a cabinet post in any of them. The New Zealand one makes broad hints, the rest refer to him by name.
19. Dholokhov was at one point a descriptive Jungian archtype, until modesty and common sense prevailed.
20. Dholokhov was accpeted to Yale for the graduating class of 1968, despite the fact that he supplied no supporting materials with his application form, which was blank except for his name. His graduation picture, shown above right, is the only known photograph of him.
Yes. Ah yes.