Man, instead of getting to go watch my little sister play in her All-Stars softball tournament, I am home watching my little brother. He is mentally retarded, with no real diagnosis on the horizon. He does show many autistic tendencies, so that is the general idea of it. He is 17, taller than me, with the physical strength that only 'special' kids have. And he likes to throw fits, which include throwing himself across a room, slapping himself, and banging his head on the wall. Hard. The meds the doc has him on right now don't do crap except give him dry mouth.
Anyways, that was just the background to the story. So he is throwing this fit, and just as I get to him to try to keep him from putting his head through the glass window on the back door, I catch his head just the right way and he slams my hand between him and the wooden frame. It hurts, but not too badly, as I am still able to type, I will say 'not broken' However, trying to corrall him across the room to the sofa, where he can lay without hurting himself, was a bit harder. I am pretty sure I threw out my back. Everything from my neck to the bottom of my right shoulder blade is hurting real bad. He also threw out an arm and hit me in the lip. It is bleeding on the inside a bit and my tooth feels a bit wobbly. I just got beat up by a retarded kid. Beat that, fuckers.
Anyways, that was just the background to the story. So he is throwing this fit, and just as I get to him to try to keep him from putting his head through the glass window on the back door, I catch his head just the right way and he slams my hand between him and the wooden frame. It hurts, but not too badly, as I am still able to type, I will say 'not broken' However, trying to corrall him across the room to the sofa, where he can lay without hurting himself, was a bit harder. I am pretty sure I threw out my back. Everything from my neck to the bottom of my right shoulder blade is hurting real bad. He also threw out an arm and hit me in the lip. It is bleeding on the inside a bit and my tooth feels a bit wobbly. I just got beat up by a retarded kid. Beat that, fuckers.
I use and teach a method called Handle With Care. If this looks like something you could benefit from, I'd suggest contacting local treatment centers or social work agencies to see if there are classes available.
Good luck!
If he wasn't retarded I totally wouldn't have gotten away with a lot of stuff when I was younger. Break something? Blame it on him. He doesn't get in trouble. Victimless crime.
I'm going to hell for laughing out loud at that.
A lot.