well well...\r\n\r\ni suppose i have made my start to becoming a part of the sg community. oh well. i suppose i could write a blog so that there isn\'t a big empty spot staring at me everytime i look.\r\n\r\ni\'ve posted my rejected set on the hopefuls message board, and gotten some comments on it. a lot of it wasn\'t what i was looking for (although there have been some very nice compliments). so far i have only gotten a few critical comments - which is what i was looking for.\r\n\r\nthanks to having my primary thoughts reassured, i have been working on an idea for a new set sans bad vibes from the last one.\r\n\r\nthanks for all the encouragement... hopefully will have some new ones soon!\r\n\r\non another note... i had my hair done yesterday. i\'m a hair model for a student competition. the first time she did it, i was IN LOVE. we made it through the first round - on to the second! second time around she did copper and dark blue high lights in it (they look pretty wicked... the blue is really subtle), but i am not in love with the cut. its a-lined on one side, and then short on the other... meh. its going to take some getting used to the short side.\r\n\r\nwell... if anyone read this - sorry. but i needed to fill the void on my profile.