i have been having a wierd battle with insomnia and nightmares...
if and when i sleep i end up having fucked up nightmares that force me to wake myself and then the whole process starts again... the other morning i didn't sleep until almost daybreak and then proceeded to have the same nightmare in 5 different ways...
they aren't horrific, just annoying... last summer when i was living with that boy i had ones that would cause me to wake up hyperventilating or bursting into sobs. it was wierd, i blame his bad energy and my fragile mind state...
but now they are just wierd... maybe stress related, maybe part of my sonic death flu that i have been striken with....
strangely, for once i have decided not to try and take down anyone else in my dusk til dawn dances. (i am sure there are a few people that wished i had always thought that way!!) instead i end up obsessed with writing, planning, and rereading books i find laying about. 3 favourites have become a Courtney Love bio, another being Milk It! (a DeRogatis book about the 90's 'alternative' music scene) and the others being books i used to research my disseratation on Kurt Cobain...
funny that...
i was never a big Nirvana fan really... which is why i chose his iconic status to research for my dissertation. i spent 6 months reading about his life and spending days in the British Library laughing at their security that didn't allow me to photocopy the info i needed or take the books, yet they seemed to be 'missing' a few of their stock. i spent a few afternoons speed reading and filling notebooks with so much information that anyone that got into a semi drunken conversation with me ended up facing my diatribe of the comparative qualities of Andrew Wood, Layne Stayley and Cobain. i went on to complete a 13,000 word (i was told i had to stop writing before i went insane) in the 3 weeks leading up to my mid march deadline, earning me the highest marks possible on the project as a whole...
all of this spawned from my old habit in 2003 of reading the NME every tuesday that continuously angered me with their worship of his heroicism and their lack of aknowledgement for the others who died to make his star shine brighter...
i do love incesticide tho....
*breathes out*
other than that..
i got a great photo from the last gig i danced at:
i have been debating on shaving part of my head....
i am looking forward to the tattoo convention and getting some work done on my sleeve next week...
i am dancing on Sunday with Gob$au$age for this:
if and when i sleep i end up having fucked up nightmares that force me to wake myself and then the whole process starts again... the other morning i didn't sleep until almost daybreak and then proceeded to have the same nightmare in 5 different ways...
they aren't horrific, just annoying... last summer when i was living with that boy i had ones that would cause me to wake up hyperventilating or bursting into sobs. it was wierd, i blame his bad energy and my fragile mind state...
but now they are just wierd... maybe stress related, maybe part of my sonic death flu that i have been striken with....
strangely, for once i have decided not to try and take down anyone else in my dusk til dawn dances. (i am sure there are a few people that wished i had always thought that way!!) instead i end up obsessed with writing, planning, and rereading books i find laying about. 3 favourites have become a Courtney Love bio, another being Milk It! (a DeRogatis book about the 90's 'alternative' music scene) and the others being books i used to research my disseratation on Kurt Cobain...
funny that...
i was never a big Nirvana fan really... which is why i chose his iconic status to research for my dissertation. i spent 6 months reading about his life and spending days in the British Library laughing at their security that didn't allow me to photocopy the info i needed or take the books, yet they seemed to be 'missing' a few of their stock. i spent a few afternoons speed reading and filling notebooks with so much information that anyone that got into a semi drunken conversation with me ended up facing my diatribe of the comparative qualities of Andrew Wood, Layne Stayley and Cobain. i went on to complete a 13,000 word (i was told i had to stop writing before i went insane) in the 3 weeks leading up to my mid march deadline, earning me the highest marks possible on the project as a whole...
all of this spawned from my old habit in 2003 of reading the NME every tuesday that continuously angered me with their worship of his heroicism and their lack of aknowledgement for the others who died to make his star shine brighter...
i do love incesticide tho....
*breathes out*
other than that..
i got a great photo from the last gig i danced at:

i have been debating on shaving part of my head....
i am looking forward to the tattoo convention and getting some work done on my sleeve next week...
i am dancing on Sunday with Gob$au$age for this:

i was NOT a nirvana fan at the time they were popular... but I have more respect for therm now. though they're WAY overrated.