i am now mid search of where my new set could be.....
it was sent over a month ago and i have heard nothing.... good or bad.
checking to see if my new contract was ever recieved...
this is no impatient whinging about not wanting to wait, but just a bit of 'i wonder what's up and if there is a problem?'
been working loads and not online much... i miss out on so many things SG related by not having a computer. bah!!
i am rapidly becoming estranged from my past... people seem to assume that anything about me online is gospel and is reality. no one asks about the truth... i got jacked off about it the other day and deleted my brother and sisters in law from my (non SG/personal) myspace profile (yes, i am 13 thank you!) and made it private. cos my mom tells me they have said some pretty accusatory things about me and my lifestyle. apparently what i write on here is discussed as well. i find this to be an invasion of my privacy. i was thinking of leaving SG (UNWILLINGLY and UNHAPPILY) in order to end this shit. i don't want to do that. so i am not. it is all quite stupid, i am not ashamed of anything in my life but i think trying to find out or looking at certain information on your sister is just gross. i am very honest with people and everyone i know has no problem (even my bosses) that i am all kinds of naked here, but it's the trivial stuff that makes the issues..... all i can say is people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
gotta gig at On the Rocks (kingsland rd, shoreditch) on thursday... hopefully skeleton outfit will be ready....
stuck in wierd limbo land about The Boy From Sardinia.... had a long conversation with an ex recently and he told me that i need to be more human in my relationships, maybe show an emotion or two. he told me i can be rather scary and if i just let go a bit.... bah! easier said than done. i am viciously independant with co-dependancy issues. my passed relationships have been such disasters and i always ended up a mess. bah! i don't want to lose someone that makes me so happy i blush... but lifestyles, my nocturnal/insomniac tendancies and his hardworking and stressy ambition (one of the things i most like about him) leave us very little time to see each other..... he is away til next week so i will see where it goes. he can be hot and cold and part of me thinks that i am being as well. it's that whole 'don't show how much you really like someone' bullshit that is fucking up my head.....
got my sleeve worked on more, inside of elbow and part of forearm is outlined.... hopefully be finished by end of august....
mom had to put my dog to sleep last week, i miss her so much... my mom is heartbroken and to be honest i am handling it well since i am so far away. but she was the closest living thing to me i have lost. i'll never forget her...
i have come to the conclusion that i have consumed more hummous in the passed 2 weeks than a person should be able to. my habit is at least one container a day, sometimes just eaten with a fork. and Tesco pesto topped hummous.... words cannot describe our affair!!! at least i am obsessed with a semi healthy food for once!
x dexy x
it was sent over a month ago and i have heard nothing.... good or bad.
checking to see if my new contract was ever recieved...
this is no impatient whinging about not wanting to wait, but just a bit of 'i wonder what's up and if there is a problem?'
been working loads and not online much... i miss out on so many things SG related by not having a computer. bah!!
i am rapidly becoming estranged from my past... people seem to assume that anything about me online is gospel and is reality. no one asks about the truth... i got jacked off about it the other day and deleted my brother and sisters in law from my (non SG/personal) myspace profile (yes, i am 13 thank you!) and made it private. cos my mom tells me they have said some pretty accusatory things about me and my lifestyle. apparently what i write on here is discussed as well. i find this to be an invasion of my privacy. i was thinking of leaving SG (UNWILLINGLY and UNHAPPILY) in order to end this shit. i don't want to do that. so i am not. it is all quite stupid, i am not ashamed of anything in my life but i think trying to find out or looking at certain information on your sister is just gross. i am very honest with people and everyone i know has no problem (even my bosses) that i am all kinds of naked here, but it's the trivial stuff that makes the issues..... all i can say is people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
gotta gig at On the Rocks (kingsland rd, shoreditch) on thursday... hopefully skeleton outfit will be ready....
stuck in wierd limbo land about The Boy From Sardinia.... had a long conversation with an ex recently and he told me that i need to be more human in my relationships, maybe show an emotion or two. he told me i can be rather scary and if i just let go a bit.... bah! easier said than done. i am viciously independant with co-dependancy issues. my passed relationships have been such disasters and i always ended up a mess. bah! i don't want to lose someone that makes me so happy i blush... but lifestyles, my nocturnal/insomniac tendancies and his hardworking and stressy ambition (one of the things i most like about him) leave us very little time to see each other..... he is away til next week so i will see where it goes. he can be hot and cold and part of me thinks that i am being as well. it's that whole 'don't show how much you really like someone' bullshit that is fucking up my head.....
got my sleeve worked on more, inside of elbow and part of forearm is outlined.... hopefully be finished by end of august....
mom had to put my dog to sleep last week, i miss her so much... my mom is heartbroken and to be honest i am handling it well since i am so far away. but she was the closest living thing to me i have lost. i'll never forget her...
i have come to the conclusion that i have consumed more hummous in the passed 2 weeks than a person should be able to. my habit is at least one container a day, sometimes just eaten with a fork. and Tesco pesto topped hummous.... words cannot describe our affair!!! at least i am obsessed with a semi healthy food for once!

x dexy x
Last time I looked, my house was made out of stucco, so I am not sure what you are implying.
So, on the word of your mother, you assume that we are all sitting around having in-depth discussions about you and your lifestyle. You have also assumed that we have said some accusatory things. We have invaded your privacy on a WEBSITE that you introduced us to. This is a perfect example of when assumptions make you look like an ass.
I am glad you are not ashamed, although you should be. You dont have to be ashamed of posing naked and getting paid for it. That is not even an issue with me, Amerigo, or Jill. Why would you have to leave SG so unwillingly and unhappily because of anything we have said? What exactly is it that we have said about you being on SG? If we are having these Weeze Discussions about your SG status, why are you sending Jill and Amerigo emails to vote for you for some ridiculous pin-up thing? Why did you even tell Jill and me about SG? Why do you update everyone about your sets, send us your pictures?
What you should be ashamed of is how you treat your family. I have long since given up trying to help you. That bit me in the ass many years ago, and I will not go down that road again. The only discussions anyone has had about you has been about the concerns that everyone has. Your mom may be in complete denial that you have issues with drugs, alcohol, etc, but Jill, Amerigo and I do not. I am sure the so-called discussion that sent you into your rage was when Amerigo told your mother that he does indeed believe the things that you post on the Internet and that you are not making any of it up. I know that your mother believes that you are not as you portray yourself, but the rest of us know the truth.
I guess what really has prompted me to respond to your blog post is this line: , i am not ashamed of anything in my life but i think trying to find out or looking at certain information on your sister is just gross. You are right; it would be gross for a brother to want to look at naked pictures of his sister. THAT IS WHY AMERIGO HAS NEVER LOOKED AT ANY OF YOUR PICTURES. He does not even care to know anything about them. I doubt he has even looked at your MYSPACE profile. He does not give a shit about that kind of stuff. I can not even believe that you would imply that Amerigo would do anything that is so disgusting. Do you even know your brother? He still cares about you and is worried that someday he is going to get the phone call that something horrendous has happened to you. But, please, dont you worry about that. You can just delete us from your MYSPACE and not even have to think about people that might give a shit about you. You can just busy yourself with people who barely exist in reality.
So, people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones, huh? I would really like to know what you are implying with that. Is that in reference to the fact that Amerigo had children with a woman that is not his wife? (Oh, and by the way, the girls are doing really well). Fine, I know that it is unconventional. I know that Jill and I may have begun a relationship that is part of some lifestyle, but it is so much more than that now. Now, Amerigo is able to be a wonderful father to his children who are being raised in a happy, healthy environment with three people that love them. And I have a friend who is more of a sister to me than you ever were.
In response to the above:
Both your brother and Rachel have told me that I should not respond to your blog, after all I wouldn't want to assume that what was just written was gospel or "reality". I mean even though I assume you wrote it yourself, you can never tell these days. People online do tell lies about their lives to enhance their image. Good or bad. I really do think that your 13-year-old actions, deleting all of us from your profiles, was great. I mean, you were being presumptuous taking your mothers words at face value. Your mother does like to exaggerate the truth "just a bit" on most or all occasions. The Kettle called and said that you should look in the mirror, Pot.
I would also like to point out a few details to you that I find you might have overlooked in your "fit of rage" (as I believe you called it when you deleted us from your "life"). If you do not want your privacy invaded, perhaps you should not post things on the World Wide Web. It is available to all who wish to view it, pay for it, or have a membership to it. I also would like to state for the record that you were the one to introduce us to Suicide Girls, add us to your blocked Miss Bastard account, and send us updates on when your sets would be ready, updates on what you are doing now, and where you plan to be seen. If you do not wish for us to know...Hmmm..... stop sending us these fucking updates. As far as you leaving Suicide Girls...I do not remember any one of us (I am speaking on behalf of your brother and Rachel now) giving a shit whether you undress for Suicide Girls, or the damn Pope himself. If you want to spend the rest of your life naked...so be it. That is your right. I am just having a problem with your honesty issues. I mean you did say and I quote...."I am very honest with people and everyone I know has no problem (even my bosses) that I am all kinds of naked here, but it's the trivial stuff that makes the issues and in your next breath you say..."people seem to assume that anything about me online is gospel and is reality. No one asks about the truth ummm.... what I just read is that your blogs are not true, but you are honest with everyone and no one you know has a problem with it. You are either honest Weeze or your not. It cannot be both ways. You are right to some degree, we do not have a problem with it (nakedness). What we have a problem with is when you are home, you tell us the same things you are blogging. Why should we assume, or not take you at your word, that what you have just said is true. I mean, it's one thing to lie and concoct stories on your blog, but a whole completely different thing to lie to our faces. I don't get it. Nakedness aside, you continually flaunt your drunkenness and drug use in our face, on your blogs and in your update statements to all of your "web friends". Why should we not wonder what the fuck you are up to? Your pictures are and have been very adamant in demonstrating your drunkenness, your shit-faced-off-your-ass actions, not to mention your obsession with amphetamines, Dexedrine, speed, etc. Which you not only like to discuss on your sites/blogs, but when you are home for the holidays, as well. You have regaled us with many drug-induced stories on more than one occasion.
Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion that one of the main reasons you continue to stay in London, is the lack of accountability that you would have to face being here near your family. No one is going to show up on your doorstop one morning and say Louise what the fuck is going on? In London, you are free to do as you please, create the persona that you would like people to know you as. Back home, that doesnt fly with us. Back home there are people to question your actions, intervene if we need to, and yes, even to accuse, ignore, complain, or attempt to understand whats going on. You cannot run from accountability all your life.
So, in summation, if you want to know what is being said about you, why not ask us. I am sure we could give you a more accurate rendering of what was said than your mother could provide. Second, if you don't want us to know the shit you are into: STOP FUCKING PUTTING IT IN OUR FACES! If you want to parade around naked, drink until you vomit and pass out in the street, do drugs until you are more anorexic than you are now, or heaven forbid the next thing we hear is that you were found dead in the streets of London - go ahead. Godspeed to you. Theres the bus; don't miss it. But, do not think for a second that we are going to sit back here and approve this ridiculous, child-like, irresponsible, spoiled as shit, greedy, obsessed, fucking behavior. Fucking grow up Louise, your not 13, you are almost fuckin' 30!!!!