I hear tixel is back...wahoo.. umm...bought a new microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse elite combo for $100, and though im usually into the natural style boards this one doesn't work all too bad. also kinda nice for laying on my bed looking at the pictures of you ladies without the damb wires getting me all tangled up wink kiss kiss wink
hi smile

it's going well.

it's going solo, as usual. I'm not complaining though. smile robot kiss
OK web work goin slow, had a week off at work and wound up spending most my time either cleaning my room or helping my buddies move around and clean up their place...other then that, boredome and lack of sex is overcoming me and starting to drive me up the wall. I dunno, is little sex life a good reason to commit suicide? If it...
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No lack of sex is the dubmest reason to kill yourself. We want ya around. smile You always find someone when you are not looking. Yes, I am married- smile He is very good to me....so I have nothing to complain about. smile Good to see you again.
ok so now, HCSDH.NET is officially been begun, i have the under construction page up now and hopefully it will be expanded shortly. Pictures of me and my truck will be posted in my section, pictures of my computer bs will be under the HCS section, and i dunno what kissy is gonna be doin, so theres todays update...

Tonight im gonna try to bass...
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allo allo......smile
Looking at getting a new job right now, ill be a technician for a point of sale company.. working on cash registeres, computers, networks, and software. Trying to work on my truck when i can. And if all goes well Im going to reopen HCSDH.NET, but the pages might take me a lil while to rebuild since i lost everything when the site first shut...
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You look like a sendero luminoso member in that pic... Subcomandante es usted????
OK don't ask me how...but somehow I find myself once again dating a 16yo local girl..I don't get it, i know they're a lil young for me and I know that if i try to break up with them later all hell is gonna break loose...but how do i get myself into these things...i dunno...I know i promised more pictures and They will be loaded...
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Sorry i didn't haven't and can't update at the moment...things have been pretty hektic between working on the truck, doing demolition work for a friend and work....ill try to get my updating done before this weekend....i know i know...i been saying that for two weeks...but what can i say...other then sleep i haven't been doing much else
demolition work, wow.
slow times lately, workin on the truck..ill say more later tonight
Soon, very soon...like this weekend soon...i will put up some before shots of my new truck...possibly a couple of myself if i find a good camera...so any suggestions would be helpful, not sure what my lil friends here would like to see....although yall shouldn't expect too much blush I gotta work tonight but ill be floating in and out this weekend as I will probably be...
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Hope you are having a great weekend!! smile
wahoo..picked up my new truck yesterday before work. Damb did i score.

1982 Chev. Scottdale 3/4ton Camper Special
Gear Vender Overdrive
Dual gas tanks
Only minor skin cancer
Cruise Control
1/2 the A/C components
couple minor dents
Hitch and Trailer Connectors
Damb good shocks
Recent Tuneup

all this and more for $500

Sure it runs a lil rough and needs a lil body work and...
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congrats on the truck. smile
You have no pics in your folder. frown I am sorry...I just didnt have any of you to share. So post some PICS!!! Mystery Man! smile
went fishing for sockeye again today and got nothing but burned...damb hot outside. nothin really terribly interesting to report at this moment in time other then the tow truck will be here tomarrow. biggrin