Ah yes the boredom days of work, sometimes I have fun, sometimes I dont. Fairly boring night really handmount...not too far off from what i do when i get home from work wink lol. What can i say, the days are just that slow. Who knows, maybe ill be able to find my own place, rates are low, but its a matter of finding something that...
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Ya know, making all the stuff in my room migrate takes a lot of work, but its near complete. I went bowling the other day and damb my arm is sorry for that. oh well...long weekend ahead of me so now its time for bed, but thought i might make an entry here so everyone doesn't think im dead or somthing. kiss love wink
yay youre alive! as am i! smile
Ah yes, the one day of the year that I get to be myself....As far as dressing up goes, i dunno, maybe ill just take off my human suit and walk around as the demon that I am. muah ha ha

Drinking was a majority of last nights fun, as well as going back to the bowling alley for the first time since they fired...
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lol he finally got laid on the game this morning. I'm confused. confused

I had a pretty laid back halloween myself. I gave out candy at my mom's, then went to see this folk singer my friend S wanted to see. robot kiss
I know im bad, little updating, little reading. but im trying to be good, maybe someone needs to teach me wink umm...lets see as far as updates go still working on my website, truck and car.....and apparently didn't get the job at the computer place due to lack of calling. Work sucks, life rocks, sometimes you just gotta watch for boulders...you know how the story goes....
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hello mister. sounds like you're doing ok, well aside from the computer job thing. :/

whatcha doing for halloween? I can see you getting dressed up smile

not that I don't want to see you, but I hope this draft thing doesn't happen. robot kiss
HI smile sorry, my brain is mush..cant think of anything interesting to add...balh...
Holy Shit.....umm...Thnaks, I dunno how that happened I go out theres no messages i come back and boom....cool. Yes i went drinking, The guys took me drinking thursday morning when we got off work, then i went home got 4 hours of sleep then my grandparents and a good friend of mine took me up to the casino for steak dinner followed by a night...
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smile Ahhh...and so you grow wiser with the years....
sorry haven't been keeping up..fell way behind, work, computer, i thought I had found a life, but i lost it somewhere...i dunno....
Happy Birthday smile robot kiss
you suck! tongue

kidding!!!! robot kiss
easy to tell when im workin huh. went fishin for a while yesterday mornin caught nothing, no bites, indians that were netting the river felt sorry for me so they threw me a fish. wahoo. tired at work last night but didn't fall asleep at the safety meeting like one of the other guys did. lol. sorry don't have time for poem today, but ill...
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*HUG* hi smile robot kiss
What is the true value of life? Why are we stuck here to suffer and be brought bad will. We wonder about different things at different times and hope that one day all will be better. More often then not things don't change. One thought, powerful enough to end one's life, weak enough to not be seen. What if all of our thoughts could be...
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I think they are fabulous. smile
OK. Being safety focus employee of the day sucks, and not only that its gonna happen again in like two weeks. fuckers mad oh well. oh hey poem of the day, if you like it share it, you don't like it..too fuckin bad share it anyway wink lol j/k

To be or not to be, wait, wrong verse. To Love or not to Love, that is the...
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Nice smile
I knew you were a closet romantic. smile robot kiss
OK starting to get used to this new keyboard and picking my speed back up...though it don't matter all too much when the internet connection is this slow. hmm as for updates anyone cares about.

Haven't heard back yet from those guys that want to give me a job as a POS technician. Truck progress has slowed dramatically when I found out I have to...
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I think that's a grand idea. I hope you don't lose your job. robot kiss