Well when it comes to real estate, I really must say that research upon research is all there is to it. With a few of the right contacts and a lot of web browsing you can find property everywhere...the real problem is time. Its not only very time consuming, but you have to be able to wait in order to get the piece you want...hell...
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Not true, there's only so much I'm willing to say 

something like that.
Yup, ok lets see theres work then theres work...oh yeah and I found this really cool porn shop down the street that has three stories. lol. Its not all that bad a place and its not too bad just hangin out and chattin with the checkout gals. Hmm...went up to the casino and wound up losing 160 bucks....most ive ever lost up there...oh well gotta...
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I have yet to decide how I think Christmas went but all in all it didn't go too bad. It was nice getting a 27" flat screen, but I must say that it really doesn't fit in such a small room...lol. Now I have most of my system reconnected. Now I just have to find the right arrangment to get maximum space of my room...lol...oh...
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the solution is simple: you need a bigger room!
happy new year! May this year be your best yet.

happy new year! May this year be your best yet.
ahh two days off before another three day weekend. hmm what will i ever do, umm...probably sleep...yeah. Im gonna go to bed now, wake up to go get my check and bonus, go back to bed...then probably sit around all night with my thumb up my ass...lol....hope everyone is having good times.

ah relaxing
Sounds grand to me.
speaking of grand, I hope you have a wonderful christmas!

speaking of grand, I hope you have a wonderful christmas!
Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain
I dunno, but maybe i need to go up and play in the mountains. I still gotta do my christmas shopping so i think ill go ahead and do that on wednesday and thursday, maybe a lil this weekend if my account will allow it. Changed the coolant in my computer and put some...
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I dunno, but maybe i need to go up and play in the mountains. I still gotta do my christmas shopping so i think ill go ahead and do that on wednesday and thursday, maybe a lil this weekend if my account will allow it. Changed the coolant in my computer and put some...
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computer coolant? WTF? ARe you serious?
Well work was fun, I got to have three meetings with different stages of the upper management, apparently they think im no good...Ill show them, Ill show them all...muah ha ha ha.
Im tired of this pos job, I really need to find something in my line of work, <i wonder if playboy is hiring> otherwise im gonna go insane. oh yeah, too late
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Im tired of this pos job, I really need to find something in my line of work, <i wonder if playboy is hiring> otherwise im gonna go insane. oh yeah, too late

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are u still alive?

The beast is nearing completion, then what will I do? I dunno, I went out friday and bought GTA:San Andreas, and ill be damb if I didn't get hooked...I also bought a new logitech wireless controller for my ps2 which so far seems to be doing its job fairly well though sometimes I do question its response speed. I finished up my dad's busted up...
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sounds like you got a lot going on. It's great to see you working on so many projects. You are definitely one of the more motivated people I know. Good for you. *HUG*

has it been cold down there? it is freezing up here- BLAH makes my nipples all hard and crap!
yay, now i have xp again and even sp2 i so happy
....now the question is whether or not I want to backup my system before it gits all cluttered and fuckered up. probably not, cuz that takes processor space and ive missed my beautiful sgs.

I need more than a 6 gig harddrive. Also possibly a real computer.
ps. hi

ps. hi

I just fixed my puter!! WOO HOO!!
Hmm...well Im finally getting my computer back up and running. I ordered a new copy of windows xp pro so I will be able to install it and activate it and have no more of these damb problems. Ive been working on this damb thing for a week now and Its finally coming together. Im running 98SE temporarily
but soon Ill be back to my...
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did ya make some money?
Ok, I went out yesterday and finally bought a new headset and a new webcam. My old one was exactly that. I took a few pictures with it and posted them just for the heck of it. I went out this morning to the DOL to get my license renewed....There is nothing more annoying to me then having to stand around waiting for service because...
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YAY pics.

Peace and Love