OK. Being safety focus employee of the day sucks, and not only that its gonna happen again in like two weeks. fuckers
oh well. oh hey poem of the day, if you like it share it, you don't like it..too fuckin bad share it anyway
lol j/k
To be or not to be, wait, wrong verse. To Love or not to Love, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and the arrows of outragious admiration, or to take arms against a sea of harted. Hark, for these eyes have seen the true glory and passion of one, and she may take me for who I am, and I will love her and show her the meaning of true love and passion, or she may toss me away like a rag with a picture of a broken heart. For my love I will give my soul, my life, and anything that I have. I will do anything in my ability to love her and allow her to stay healthy and alive. I would not be able to live with myself if she were to be hurt or worsel. For my love, she owns everything that is of me, and for her, I will do anything. Devon Hills 1999
This originated as a school essay sort of thing, and sometimes i write a bit like shakespear and of course we were doing one of his plays so, naturally i kinda borrowed a few of his leans. Sorry old chap. But if he would have seen the response im sure he would have been proud. I leave on that note until next time (probably tomarrow)

To be or not to be, wait, wrong verse. To Love or not to Love, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and the arrows of outragious admiration, or to take arms against a sea of harted. Hark, for these eyes have seen the true glory and passion of one, and she may take me for who I am, and I will love her and show her the meaning of true love and passion, or she may toss me away like a rag with a picture of a broken heart. For my love I will give my soul, my life, and anything that I have. I will do anything in my ability to love her and allow her to stay healthy and alive. I would not be able to live with myself if she were to be hurt or worsel. For my love, she owns everything that is of me, and for her, I will do anything. Devon Hills 1999
This originated as a school essay sort of thing, and sometimes i write a bit like shakespear and of course we were doing one of his plays so, naturally i kinda borrowed a few of his leans. Sorry old chap. But if he would have seen the response im sure he would have been proud. I leave on that note until next time (probably tomarrow)

I knew you were a closet romantic.