So I've been slacking on posting not that I did much of it before put I have been supper busy lately. Lots of fun Army stuff, theres nothing like 16 hour days! catch y'all later.

That is all I hope everyone has an awesome day.
Haha ok
I just wanted to scream and this was the only place to do it lol
The New Year has been pretty rough I'm sucking at this quitting thing.
It seems like I have alot of free time on my hands even though I'm working constantly and lately I have been thinking about my ex entirely to much.
Anyone know any groups that can offer advice or even just a place to bitch?
Anyway off to the gym hope everyones new...
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Happy 2011 from next year!!! and wish me luck on not smoking.
Im doing it with you. Good luck
So another week in the middle of the desert and its not to bad this is the only place I have to bitch sorry if I seem like one. Well this year is about over and I have to say good riddance. Its been a long year and I'm more then glad to start anew. Heres to high hopes and the start of a brand...
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Really crakeing today its getting rough over here. The feeling of isolation is sinking in and since the divorce there isn't much for me to think about. I don't know what to do with my time since I have to be at work.
Just realizing now that I am completely addicted to Suicide Girls
I guess there could be worse thing to be addicted to plus I guess I can give myself a break since the girls on here are amazingly beautiful.
So theres a big party for me outside and I'm sitting in here on Suicide Girls. Yea I'm a loser I know.
Just signed four more years of my life away. Yea its kinda depressing.
Grrrr another day a new site and alot of time on my hands. I've finished Season 6 of House and started watching a few movies to keep my mind busy. Finally saw Knight and Day it was kinda interesting at best. But my mind is still stuck on personal stuff like the fact the I am now single again...... Anyway back to work I'll try...
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