..so we talked about some old times..and we drank ourself some beers...still crazy after all these years... Do ya ever get a song stuck in your head and you have no idea why its there? I hate that!!!
I Just feel like venting today!!! Anger management perhaps?


I'll keep your blonde advice in mind.
Yeah you can meet some perv's on here. I mean is pornsite! Well trust is a big issue in every relationship, thats why I don't have one. I don't have time nor the energy. I like to live free. Well my day is coming to an end. Work calls. Aside from sleeping in, I just replied to you all day and watched alittle tv. I'm trying to get organized for my summer vacation. I'm due for a change, can't keep my feet planted. Well you have yourself a great day, its been fun chatting with you. God, I'm late!! and its all your fault!!
Lets play "go..." or "tag your it" again!! That was fun! and Keep your horns sharpened!!

spank someone....