It's Saturday, and, as per the usual, I have no plans. So, I've decided I'll do a little masturdate this afternoon. If you are just joining me and have no idea what that is, I wrote about it a couple weeks ago. A masturdater is basically someone who has mastered the art of going on dates by themselves. I'm pretty good at it. I'm thinking of a late morning hike around Lake Hefner, a shower, then see a movie (I hate to admit I'm thinking of seeing the new Terminator just because I want to laugh at Ancient Arnold (Ah-nold!) trying to be young and cybernetic again, but I'm also giving some serious thought to Minions, because I could probably use a smile on my face over a sour taste in my mouth), then probably an early dinner. I'm thinking S&B's sliders.
Last night I stumbled upon a picture from one of the people I follow ( @kezia ) that I thought was awesome, and it reminded me that I really need to work on getting another tattoo. Now that I've got this "juicy, easy, decent paying government position," I will once again be able to afford shit that isn't just food and shelter. So I've been setting aside my disability checks in a separate account and calling it my "tattoo fund." A while back (okay, more like eight years ago) I'd drawn a couple ideas up. I'm no artist, but given several hours of free time and some inspiration, I can definitely whip up something.
So, in keeping with the Dark Tower theme (the tattoo on my left forearm is the Eye/Sigil of the Crimson King -- Posted below)
I've been considering an entire Dark Tower sleeve. So years ago I drew a picture with some essential Dark Tower components. Go easy on my "artistic capability. As I said, I'm better with my words than I am with a picture. Also, it's pencil, so I understand it won't come out looking awesome. But hey, I drew it. No one else. This shit is mine. More ideas for the sleeve coming soon, I hope.
Thoughts and suggestions are always welcome. Don't worry about hurting my fee-fees if you have something particularly harsh to say. I no longer have a heart and can take pretty much any form of abuse.