3.5 Minutes. That is how long it took the two Berkeley protesters to start repeating themselves during their rather loud conversation on the BART train last night. Sometimes I look at what "my side" has to work with, and Bush's reign suddenly makes so much sense. Why do I keep forgetting my headphones when I leave the house in the morning?
Life has been a bit of a rollercoaster for the past couple of weeks, but seems to be entering into a good spell. A really, really good spell.
> New attendant finally procured...and she kicks ass.
> Financial aid debacle 99% sorted = not getting kicked out of law school
> Really motivated about next summer/fall semester, including some exciting ideas about internships. I am really ready to start getting my hands dirty with this whole "law" thing.
> Confirmation from one of my favorite people in the world that she is swinging through town in March...during my spring break. Rock!!! Any suggestions for fun 3-day road tips?
> none worth dwelling on
Anyway, the old laptop battery is about to crash out on me, so I am going to take it as a sign that I should tuck in for the night.
Take care all.
Life has been a bit of a rollercoaster for the past couple of weeks, but seems to be entering into a good spell. A really, really good spell.
> New attendant finally procured...and she kicks ass.
> Financial aid debacle 99% sorted = not getting kicked out of law school
> Really motivated about next summer/fall semester, including some exciting ideas about internships. I am really ready to start getting my hands dirty with this whole "law" thing.
> Confirmation from one of my favorite people in the world that she is swinging through town in March...during my spring break. Rock!!! Any suggestions for fun 3-day road tips?
> none worth dwelling on
Anyway, the old laptop battery is about to crash out on me, so I am going to take it as a sign that I should tuck in for the night.
Take care all.
Sales? Is that like UCC stuff? And it's good you're taking tax. I ran from it like the plague, but I wish I had. Wills and Trusts is pretty straightforward.
Anyhow, things with work are going really well, actually. Really well. Not a "real" lawyer, yet, but I'm going to be helping with depositions and the case is getting to some good stuff soon. I'm excited about it.
I agree about the Berkeley protesters. Oh the many times I've overheard completely asinine things from people on our side.