well the employment issue is working itself out. i'm doing manual labor in a warehouse full of aircraft parts, that hold me over for a while. and im about to get my car back, i hope, and i still feel good about everything. i hope i dont get kicked in the balls anytime soon. rock on.

til next time,
last week i mentioned how i was feeling great and had everything all figured out. this week i seem to have discovered that i dont have much going for me. im pretty close to losing my employment, my car is still fucked up after almost two months, asking for rides is starting to put stress on my friends, i have a serious lack of people...
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yeah playing music does make everything feel better. by "prom" i'm hoping they mean "orgy." any negative connotations with that word?
as long as you don't let all of that get you down, you'll surely find a new employer in no time.. as for the car, be selective in new friends that you make, try to find ones that can fix cars... maybe you should lurk around auto shops?
i don't know what brought this on, but I feel like I've got everything figured out. I think I'm to terms with everything I need to be to terms with. All the skeletons in my closet appear to be gone. They could've just been moved and I'll stumble upon them later, but for now, I feel content. take care everyone.

til next time,
where you are sounds great.. how's the band thing going?
Me too! Holy shit, we should totally be best friends!

Skittles are the bomb-diggity.
i could be out of work very soon. but no worries, i'm getting tired of that job anyway. I like carlsberg beer. I'm going to see a show tonight, there's a good chance an old friend that wasn't to happy with me will be there as well.

check out this old journal for more info

stay tuned to see what happens.

til next time,
I haven't done very much since the car accident. I had a band practice the following saturday, interviewed for a job on thursday, then have been sitting around ever since. It's time to get my ass moving, get back to work and start sweating again. i uploaded pics of my guitars and basses if you're into that kind of thing. til next time.

ha ha. loser.

i like things that you like. especially airheads.
i wrecked my car on friday afternoon. went up a curb into a hill, smashing the lower front and underneath up pretty good. the airbags deployed and shattered the windshield but there's not a scratch on me. not even a sore back. i'm lucky i guess. then we had an energetic and productive practice working out the music for our 8th song on saturday. it's...
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i haven't been to the movies in a while. i'm definitely gonna see the new dawn of the dead, but that's like a month off still. and whether or not it looks good is another issue, remaking one of the best and making it look a tad lame. but im still in. help drive the industry that pays me.

we had a good practice yesterday....
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i wanna go see a movie. care ot join me? i'm only like an hour and a half, two hours away AND WHAT THE FUCK JUST TOUCHED MY FOOT???????? AAGH!!!!!!!!!!!
missed our practice on saturday. our singer has a girlfriend and was occupied for valentine's day. so instead the rest of us went to a bar. other than that, i didnt do much this weekend. working and staying home working on music and watching movies mostly. that's how i spend most of my time. im working on expanding my little universe. but for now i...
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a nice little piece of shit.. its 2003 cavalier.. but for a stock car its not bad i was running 15.9 quarter mile before i did any mods to it id say right now im about a 15.5 or so.. thats after intake after market muffler and some involuntary weight reduction after i got rear ended
even though i think you think that rocking out in your room sounds a bit lonely, i feel it's one of the best things in life. props to you that you can play the music you rock out to, instead of just inserting a cd, like me.
and thanks for the tip on the glenlivet, though i think if i start hitting the booze now, i'm going to become a raging alcoholic. eek! eeek
been feeling insignificant the last few days. a combination of a few things brought me down, but im coming back. i've got some music written down and i feel good about it. i do the majority of my stuff in drop B tuning. it compliments my style very well. i think im gonna end this here. hang in there everyone.

hmm.. i have no idea what drop b tuning is, but i'm glad it made you fell better. feeling insignificant sucks, but it can also be just what you need to light a fire under your ass sometimes.. wink
You're absolutely right.

I just woke up and I'm all consumed with how many hours it'll be before he makes that call and proceeds to disappoint me again.

But your comment helped a bit, because you're more well-spoken than a lot of the people of this site, & because I appreciate your sentiment.

Unless your friend really is a douchebag, I hope everything works out.

Happy Valentines Day.
hoping this new week will be better then last. ive got some new material to workout with the band and some peace of mind. i finally talked to my old friend and started the process of getting a friend back. so actually its already a better week than last. i wish everyone a good week. have fun and dont spread the herpes.

Hey it was nice meeting you. thanks for comming out!