Hello SGLand! How does the night find you?
I'm doing alright. Quest to branch out and meet new people is kind of not going well at all: I've only just discovered that of the two constant friends I have one is moving to Denver in a couple weeks, and the other is joining the Peace Corps. While I salute his decision (it's one I've nearly decided upon too, but I wanted to take a year and try some other things first) I'm going to miss him terribly. A lot can happen in two years; my best friend from high school and I lost touch while he was on a Mormon mission, and he was just in Illinois. So instead of meeting new flesh-people and expanding my circle of friends, I will likely be on my lonesome in a couple months time. But I've always got my SG friends, right?
Also, I posted in the hook-up board under Idaho to see if there were any ladies or gentlemen in the area that wanted to meet up for a get-to-know-you (I thought I did a good job of posting a very inviting, non-sexual ), and although there were some terribly witty rejoinders about fucking sheep and questions as to whether or not I had better things to do than troll for sex online, there were no serious responses. Too bad. But it was rather impressive that anyone at all even responded; the original link was like 5 years old, and the last post before mine was like 3 years old. Still though, it would have been nice to get a serious response. Eh.
Oh- I did reconnect with a friend I haven't had contact with in 7 years through the magic of FaceBook. Turns out he's missed the hell out of me too, and I'm invited back up north in September to attend his wedding! Sweet! His name is Deater (yep, real name) and he's an extremely talented musician and an all-around great guy. We lived together for a while up in Moscow, and we were great friends before it all fell apart up there. So although I won't get to see him very often (he lives three hundred miles away, a six-hour trip through Idaho terrain) it is so wonderful to be talking to him again.
Hey, quick question: does anybody else think that the protagonist from Hotwire looks like Viking Suicide?
This is the cover for Hotwire issue 2.

And here's a picture of Viking w/ blond hair (it's turquoise right now, I think).

They are both from the UK. So is the series' writer, Warren Ellis. And, he wrote an SG Sunday column back in 2007. Hmmmm......
In other news, I've got another possible client working as a copywriter (through the same firm) doing a blog and newsletter for the owner/operator of a local business. Could mean a lot more copywriting hours, which means more money. Yeah, that's not punk, but I'd like to be able to pay rent, to paraphrase The Andrew Jackson Jihad.
It was a great week in comics: X-Force, Green Lantern, and Runaways were all dynamite! I also got in vol. three of Ross Campbell's Wet Moon, which keeps getting better.
That's all for now- I've got tons to do tomorrow.
Take care!
I'm doing alright. Quest to branch out and meet new people is kind of not going well at all: I've only just discovered that of the two constant friends I have one is moving to Denver in a couple weeks, and the other is joining the Peace Corps. While I salute his decision (it's one I've nearly decided upon too, but I wanted to take a year and try some other things first) I'm going to miss him terribly. A lot can happen in two years; my best friend from high school and I lost touch while he was on a Mormon mission, and he was just in Illinois. So instead of meeting new flesh-people and expanding my circle of friends, I will likely be on my lonesome in a couple months time. But I've always got my SG friends, right?
Also, I posted in the hook-up board under Idaho to see if there were any ladies or gentlemen in the area that wanted to meet up for a get-to-know-you (I thought I did a good job of posting a very inviting, non-sexual ), and although there were some terribly witty rejoinders about fucking sheep and questions as to whether or not I had better things to do than troll for sex online, there were no serious responses. Too bad. But it was rather impressive that anyone at all even responded; the original link was like 5 years old, and the last post before mine was like 3 years old. Still though, it would have been nice to get a serious response. Eh.
Oh- I did reconnect with a friend I haven't had contact with in 7 years through the magic of FaceBook. Turns out he's missed the hell out of me too, and I'm invited back up north in September to attend his wedding! Sweet! His name is Deater (yep, real name) and he's an extremely talented musician and an all-around great guy. We lived together for a while up in Moscow, and we were great friends before it all fell apart up there. So although I won't get to see him very often (he lives three hundred miles away, a six-hour trip through Idaho terrain) it is so wonderful to be talking to him again.
Hey, quick question: does anybody else think that the protagonist from Hotwire looks like Viking Suicide?
This is the cover for Hotwire issue 2.

And here's a picture of Viking w/ blond hair (it's turquoise right now, I think).

They are both from the UK. So is the series' writer, Warren Ellis. And, he wrote an SG Sunday column back in 2007. Hmmmm......
In other news, I've got another possible client working as a copywriter (through the same firm) doing a blog and newsletter for the owner/operator of a local business. Could mean a lot more copywriting hours, which means more money. Yeah, that's not punk, but I'd like to be able to pay rent, to paraphrase The Andrew Jackson Jihad.
It was a great week in comics: X-Force, Green Lantern, and Runaways were all dynamite! I also got in vol. three of Ross Campbell's Wet Moon, which keeps getting better.
That's all for now- I've got tons to do tomorrow.
Take care!
re: teaching in china. yeah, it's been a good experience. could have been worse if i hadn't been here before and didn't know what to expect (the crazy driving, the filth, the pollution, the culture shock). but yeah, overwhelmingly i have good things about it.
p.s. just so you know, people usually respond to comments in their journal by going to the other person's and leaving one there. easier to keep track of that way when people write you back.