thank you so much for the well, mercie's heard this story, but it still cracks me up. i now get to work from home! one of my bosses (rachel, super nice) found me slumped over on my desk, apparently holding on to a thing of yogurt, my breakfast of choice. she woke me up, and talked to teri (our division head and vice president, fairly nice but mostly all business), and agreed that i should work from home. so vicki (my immediate supervisor, half bitch/half means well but still a bitch) drove my car while i rode in rachel's suv to my house. it was just the most surreal thing ever.
this is both a blessing and a curse, though. i got an email from hr asking me to interview for a research assistant position at ICF (where i currently work, but do much different work). it's a dream job, but i don't know how it'll work out with all of this.
i have my eeg wednesday, and hopefully that'll give us more info. i'll keep everyone posted. but once again, thank you so, so much. all i've done is sleep and cry lately, and mercie's been doing her best to cheer me up too.
EDIT: to everyone that wished me well or left any sort of comment, thank you so much. i tried to comment everyone back but sg kept timing me out
but it hasn't gone unnoticed. thank you.
this is both a blessing and a curse, though. i got an email from hr asking me to interview for a research assistant position at ICF (where i currently work, but do much different work). it's a dream job, but i don't know how it'll work out with all of this.
i have my eeg wednesday, and hopefully that'll give us more info. i'll keep everyone posted. but once again, thank you so, so much. all i've done is sleep and cry lately, and mercie's been doing her best to cheer me up too.
EDIT: to everyone that wished me well or left any sort of comment, thank you so much. i tried to comment everyone back but sg kept timing me out

please, please feel better soon! <3
good luck on your EEg...