everyone give mercie love. she needs it.
we're both on the verge of breakdowns. i think people understand why i'm an existentialist only when they hit bottom and see that the world really doesn't care. it's a cold, unfeeling place with fleeting moments of shared misery.
but smeh. this is life, and until we die or have the courage to meet our own end, on we suffer. back more of the same.
cause every day is every day, the same, the same..
(lali puna - the daily match)
we're both on the verge of breakdowns. i think people understand why i'm an existentialist only when they hit bottom and see that the world really doesn't care. it's a cold, unfeeling place with fleeting moments of shared misery.
but smeh. this is life, and until we die or have the courage to meet our own end, on we suffer. back more of the same.
cause every day is every day, the same, the same..
(lali puna - the daily match)
I can't force you to see happiness,
just as much as you can't convince me that the world is nothing but misery.
I wish you soup, kitten cuddles, and love.
Goodnight. ^-^