- on le's page
- on desidia's post on richardson's page
- on Being one of the few, if not the only, person you know who stays up late in nocturnal
- on shamandalie's photo
- on shamandalie's photo
- on richardson's page

Yes. I was here, again. Briefly. At this point in time my last bastion of neglected social media is IG @ mercuryapathy in case you, like me, went searching for old friends, acquaintances, and crushes. Good luck and Godspeed. Viva la Channel Channel.

Just drawing 3 major arcana puts me in panic mode. Please tell me this isn't saying what I think it's saying.
All my gorgeous amazing testimonials from all my gorgeous amazing friends, gone. Lost to time. That was like, 50% why I thought I'd pop in.
To quote Kevin Sorbo's Hercules (may he rot in whichever circle of Hell idiot-conservatives go to): DISAPPOINTED

Back in the graveyard of a well spent youth. Overgrown with unrecognizable flora and fauna.
Just checking in I suppose. Still alive. For inexplicable reasons.

I sometimes have this issue in Winter where I can't sleep but never get tired. So I'll formally post my last update to Instagram despite months of neglecting to realize my only participation here has been a passive Instagram feed.
But in doing so please note my art show has been recently returned to me and (aside from going back to school after 10 years...
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Idea for next self-portrait: Riding on top of half of an ancient psychic tandem war elephant. Falling lopsided for an inevitable crash. Trailing bones and intestines.

I happened to glance upon TMNT playing on television, saw a blog post regarding it, and then airports came up once in conversation and then online and miraculously it triggered an ancient memory of my mother buying me a flimsy paperback of the novelization of TMNT2: Secret of the Ooze and how I was young enough to relish every second of that reformatted screenplay, and...
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