*dusts himself off*
Whoa hey, I'm not dead. WoW consumes my being, shitty comp or no. If I could only get the lovely Tarnish to play alongside me, I'd be an even happier man, but she takes one look and is bored to tears. Hypnosis didn't work, she just slapped the pocketwatch away from her face. Whispering in her ear that she should like WoW while she slept didn't work, she just kept using the phrase "like, wow!" the next day. I'd hold a gun to her head and make her play, but I don't own one, and besides the ensuing arrest and prison sentence wouldn't really help me in any way (unless I was looking to be raped on a daily basis, which at this point I'm not). So I just play with myself (teenage flashback!) and hope that she doesn't begin to hate Halo 2.
Anyway, my birthday is this sunday, so if you're looking for gift ideas (and I just know you are, because I am the center of all life...oops, no sarcastic emoticon
), feel free to get me a new car, new comp, and a pound or so of the finest weed your moneys can by (no, I'm not greedy! Hey nice watch, give it!). In all seriousness though, I don't really know what I'll be doing other than getting stoned. My mom always likes for us to do something, which is cool because my mom rocks (yes I'm a momma's boy, fuck off), but I dunno what to tell her, since money is tight for everyone. I think this might be an imagination birthday. But I always say that and then I always end up having a good time, so we'll see. I'll let you all know (you all, HAH, I know you're the only one reading this Tarnish) how it goes.
So yeah, if you could be an angry thought in my brain, what thought would you be??? Answer meeEE!!!
Whoa hey, I'm not dead. WoW consumes my being, shitty comp or no. If I could only get the lovely Tarnish to play alongside me, I'd be an even happier man, but she takes one look and is bored to tears. Hypnosis didn't work, she just slapped the pocketwatch away from her face. Whispering in her ear that she should like WoW while she slept didn't work, she just kept using the phrase "like, wow!" the next day. I'd hold a gun to her head and make her play, but I don't own one, and besides the ensuing arrest and prison sentence wouldn't really help me in any way (unless I was looking to be raped on a daily basis, which at this point I'm not). So I just play with myself (teenage flashback!) and hope that she doesn't begin to hate Halo 2.
Anyway, my birthday is this sunday, so if you're looking for gift ideas (and I just know you are, because I am the center of all life...oops, no sarcastic emoticon

So yeah, if you could be an angry thought in my brain, what thought would you be??? Answer meeEE!!!

Reservoir Dogs was good. Not Pulp Fiction good, but good still.
I just saw Hero. It was AWESOME!!!! I love all that spectacle shit. Yay! Pretty stuff!!!