Like a dimly-lit phoenix rising from the ashes of a fire no one noticed burning, so have I returned from the pergatory of non-sg life. Our finances have permitted my return, so I took advantage of the opportunity. Much has happened since I left, most of which you've probably read in the lovely TarNish's journal, but here's the recap. My car died, I currently bum rides to work, my laptop recently broke, I'm not wearing socks, and I'm addicted to a little game called World of Warcraft. The new profile pic is from a set that will soon be going up in the BCB group for those of you into the sight of chunky funny looking guys who apparently look much older than they are. With all that said, I'm off to catch up on all the shenanigans that I've been missing the past 10 or 11 months.

Good luck with all the shenaniganning!