Heya everyone, I've just become a hopeful and i'm so happy to be here, it's been a dream for a long time. I'm an aspiring artist, Art student,writer and of course Alt model.
i just thought i'd start of this blog with a few things about me. I'm 18 and from London UK. I love all kinds of music, but my roots are very much in heavy metal or metal of any sort mostly.
I consider my best trait to be my empathy and integrity as i'm an empath and believe there is nothing more important than authenticity and connecting with others and feeling emotions of all kinds. I'm really into astrology, sacred geometry and spend a lot of my time smoking weed and thinking about things i'll never be able to figure out :').
Mental health is also really important to me as i have BPD among other things and my aims for life (deep i know) are to try and help and inspire as many as i can and show that you don't need to be scared of your flaws and that embracing them is the first step to happiness.
I'm not sure what else to say haha, i'm sure i'll think of something later. For now i hope you are all are feeling good. Thank you for reading.
much love,