Ok, since it's taking forever for my camera to get here, I've started an instagram to play with video recording, and to generally act silly. If you're interested, check out @colin_the_plancy and let me know what you think.


There is nothing more infuriating than telling someone what's going on inside your head, only to have them dismiss it with "Oh, you just have ADD, or some other mental disorder." WTF.

very true, very rude, if they dont get it then thats ok instead of dismissing things as something else.
Wow that's harsh!  Its not always easy to open up to people so its horrible that they reacted that way.  I'm sorry you had to experience that : (   they are not worth your time.

I never got butterflies in my stomach when we first met. The sickness, distrust, froze my gut with a cold bile that left me numb and bitter. I did not feel a rush when you held my hand for the first time. My heart had formed a callous around my body, protecting my vulnerable flesh. My mind jaded over when you told me you loved...
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I was watching a troupe of clowns performing for children, when one of them came up behind me and said in a completely solemn voice, "the clown makes people laugh so that he might replace the sadness in his own soul." Mind. Blown.


There's something strange about this town that has me intrigued. It's not big. It's only 77,000 population make it smaller than my hometown. Despite its size, though, I keep coming back to its unusual highway layout, it's odd, small-town atmosphere, and Ford's Drive-in. What can I say? It's a guilty pleasure of mine.


So my work (Kmart) has increased it's distribution center volume by 25%, which means we're currently understaffed to handle the new volume. To compensate, mandatory overtime is in effect, meaning that I'll be working 50 hours at my job, plus school, plus family obligations..............yeah, I'm gonna be a zombie by the end of next week. It's okay, though, I got this. I just gotta focus...
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Have you heard of the sexy new pirate movie? There's so much booty plundering, the term "poop deck" gets a whole new meaning. In fact, it's so scandalous, it's rated "Arrr."

Aww, that made my day! Thank you.

Hello, awesome people of Suicide Girls. I hope you have all had a reasonably pleasant week. In an effort to be a little more interesting, I have decided to take a number of trips in the coming months and will be taking more pictures (I will break myself of my aversion from photo opportunities.) Anyway, my first trip will be at the end of the...
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Ahh, spring has finally come to the states, and what better way to celebrate than to write a shout out to a truly exceptional artist. @lollilolli has been a phenomenal model for years, and it's been an honor to see three sets come from this tattooed wonder woman. My personal favorite set, though, is "666 The Mark of the Beast" that mixes excellent quality, sexy...
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Thank u babyyyyyyyyyyy so lovely !!!!! <3 <3
Too kind!! <3

First of all, I would like to tell you how grateful I am to have met you. In a world where people are so close physically, and yet so distant spiritually, you had the courage to open your heart to me. This leaves me in awe of you, and I am impressed at your good heart and kind words. In response, I will tell you...
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That's beautiful mate. May you find her one day.

Hello lovely people of the SG community. I am so sorry for my prolonged absence. Throwing boxes around a warehouse all day tends to make me very tired, but that is no excuse, and the writing WILL continue. As an apology, I decided to do a shout out to, not one, but two lovely ladies in the community.

My first shout out has to go...
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Wow, thank you so much <3 and i agree with you; it's not our job to judge people. Not in the internet, or anywhere else.