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hate to break it to ya'll but it's fiction... part of a new project i'm cowriting.

So there are a few things I'm sure of, at this point. Shall I make a list?
Human relationships are all doomed.
Even when you're broke, somehow rent gets paid.
There will always be hot girls driving in newer cars than me.
There will always...
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now that wasinteresting
i like your writing style
You are destructive and predictable. You are not in a place to help anyone.

1:26 am

Sometimes you find yourself out in the rain. Smoking a cigarette, of course. Tears fall, rain falls, you're not as alone as you imagine. Sometimes you listen to music that pulls you into the pit or self-pity or just plain self-absorption.
Nothing is as bad as it looks? Are you fucking kidding me? You must be! This is the worst. Our existence...
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the only thing that binds all people together is the sometimes occasional, sometimes perpetual tug of loneliness and the weight of isolation
So I think it's gonna be okay. We'll see each other sometime, someday. It's inevitable, we'll pass through each other like ghosts. Our hands will touch, but really, they'll just be smushing together not clasping or crashing. Because we've become ghosts. It's happened.

I don't know how or why, but everything gets a little easier, every day. The idea of facing reality is a little...
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but how do you figure out which pieces to reuse and which pieces were essential to the explosion in the first place and should just be left behind?
Your words are very enthralling. They resonate with me, especially -

you rise up for a minute, and watch yourself sink

- it's like when you're setting yourself up for a fall, but you can't stop the course. It's as if it's inevitable and the whole time you can see it all playing out before you, like some morose play. You can't turn away your gaze, it's like watching a train wreck.

You are a very gifted writer. Thanks for the stimulating read. smile

I have that feeling again. I'm waiting for something. I don't mean, waiting in line, waiting on a table, waiting for the mail. It's an abstract and wretched feeling.

Sometimes it hits while I'm in the shower, in bed battling insomnia, buying some cigarettes. Usually it passes quickly. Usually I try to ignore it.

I realize that I've spent years avoiding this feeling. I realize...
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hey i know exactly how you feel i get the same feeling at leaste a couple times a week or more and i can understand what you are going threw well i would just liketo say welcome and drop me a line sometime.
i can relate to the feeling. i found pciking up and moving to a totally new place for a totallty different job can put the feeling at bay for at least half a year. i don't think it ever goes away until you get what you want. course you gotta figure out what you want, and make it happen. easier said than done