孤独なRitz Bit そして不具にされた身体障害者機械
I had my "Art of Independant Cinema" class tonight. I was running way late (like almost 45 minutes) but I decided not to rush cause I didn't feel like it. So I went to the Wawa first and got some snacks for class. I got a little bag of Ritz Bitz, a 3 Muskateers bar, and one of those new Mountain Dew: Pitch Black sodas, which are pretty good (it was my first time having one). Anyway, I got to class, and as I always do, I sat at the very top/back of the lecture hall cause I'm a cripple and I can't get any further down than that. So we start watching the first movie ("Meshes of the Afternoon" by Maya Daren, which was actually a pretty cool Surrealist film from 1943...watch it sometime) and I start eating my Ritz Bitz. Well, as my luck would have it, one fell out of my hand and rolled cinematically along to floor to rest several feet in front of me, in the middle of a large open area of rug. Since I'm the only person in the back, no one would have noticed, and I didn't want to disturb the class anymore than I already do every day when I come clattering in through the heavy door in my wheelchair (almost always causing someone in the back to get up and come hold the door for me even though I wish they wouldn't), so I decided to wait until break to scoot forward and pick it up.
Well, the movie ends and the lights come back on, and for the remaining 25-30 minutes until break, I'm alternatively looking between the teacher, the rest of the class, my notepad, and this lone Ritz Bit sitting obtusely in the middle of the floor.
So break comes along and right away a bunch of people get up and start heading to the top/back of the class and out the door. After a few leave, I look back down to the floor to find a crushed Ritz Bit, dashed into a million pieces. I resigned to sit and watch more people step on it before I went out and had a smoke.
Other than that, the only real thing that's been going on is my stupid power wheelchair being a shitface. The footrests/footplates have been giving me problems for a long time, nearly since I got the damn thing almost two years ago. They're far too low and scrape things all the time, and recently I've been bumping them into the locking "dock" in my van (that locks my chair into the driving position) way too much...and the other night, the right plate decided it had endured enough, and promptly broke. Well, it twisted askew into an unrepairable position. The only way to set it back straight again was to unbolt the two pieces of the legrest and leave it unbolted...so eventually, the tighness inside the top tube became null and the bottom half would just fall out of place. I duct taped it before class, but it wasn't sufficient. So now I have to have both of my feet on one legrest (one crossed over the other), and both of them strapped together and to the legrest (I always have them strapped anyway cause I get nasty leg spasms and my legs kick out a lot...it keeps them a bit tamer).

I had my "Art of Independant Cinema" class tonight. I was running way late (like almost 45 minutes) but I decided not to rush cause I didn't feel like it. So I went to the Wawa first and got some snacks for class. I got a little bag of Ritz Bitz, a 3 Muskateers bar, and one of those new Mountain Dew: Pitch Black sodas, which are pretty good (it was my first time having one). Anyway, I got to class, and as I always do, I sat at the very top/back of the lecture hall cause I'm a cripple and I can't get any further down than that. So we start watching the first movie ("Meshes of the Afternoon" by Maya Daren, which was actually a pretty cool Surrealist film from 1943...watch it sometime) and I start eating my Ritz Bitz. Well, as my luck would have it, one fell out of my hand and rolled cinematically along to floor to rest several feet in front of me, in the middle of a large open area of rug. Since I'm the only person in the back, no one would have noticed, and I didn't want to disturb the class anymore than I already do every day when I come clattering in through the heavy door in my wheelchair (almost always causing someone in the back to get up and come hold the door for me even though I wish they wouldn't), so I decided to wait until break to scoot forward and pick it up.
Well, the movie ends and the lights come back on, and for the remaining 25-30 minutes until break, I'm alternatively looking between the teacher, the rest of the class, my notepad, and this lone Ritz Bit sitting obtusely in the middle of the floor.
So break comes along and right away a bunch of people get up and start heading to the top/back of the class and out the door. After a few leave, I look back down to the floor to find a crushed Ritz Bit, dashed into a million pieces. I resigned to sit and watch more people step on it before I went out and had a smoke.
Other than that, the only real thing that's been going on is my stupid power wheelchair being a shitface. The footrests/footplates have been giving me problems for a long time, nearly since I got the damn thing almost two years ago. They're far too low and scrape things all the time, and recently I've been bumping them into the locking "dock" in my van (that locks my chair into the driving position) way too much...and the other night, the right plate decided it had endured enough, and promptly broke. Well, it twisted askew into an unrepairable position. The only way to set it back straight again was to unbolt the two pieces of the legrest and leave it unbolted...so eventually, the tighness inside the top tube became null and the bottom half would just fall out of place. I duct taped it before class, but it wasn't sufficient. So now I have to have both of my feet on one legrest (one crossed over the other), and both of them strapped together and to the legrest (I always have them strapped anyway cause I get nasty leg spasms and my legs kick out a lot...it keeps them a bit tamer).

wandering around and wondering where you are. I have this massive 119minute dj shadow mix from 2003 off BBC. do you want it? Or shall I just delete it. It's about 168mb.