Further Adventures in Domestic Bliss
Dinner ended up being an interesting experiement. I set out to do my usual mushroom/onion tomato sauce, only to discover that I not only didn't have a jar of red sauce, I also didn't even have any canned tomatoes/tomato paste either.
All my onions, garlic and mushrooms are chopped. The butter is in the pan, and I'm about to start sauteeing. I have to make sauce out of SOMETHING.
Luckily what I did have: More butter, a pint of cream, and an assload of cheese. Impromtu experimental alfredo-esque saucy-goodness was my goal. I realize as I'm furiously grating cheese into the cream that I don't have nearly enough pasmesean to make this work. Once again: what do I have? I have a metric fuckton of mizithra. So I ground up three quarters of the block of mizithra into the sauce, and while stirring, managed to get the penne cooked.
Pasta goes onto the plate, sauteed veggies on top, and then drenched in the resulting cheese sauce. If I'd only had twice as much parmesean plus the mizithra, it would have been fucking fantastic. As it was, it was damn good. Certainly for the first time ever making a cream sauce of any kind. I can thank Aegies for the many times being able to observe the constuction of his fabulous but artery clogging alfredo, and the quiet guidence of Moirae reminding me to not let the pan get too hot. Which is great for him, because unlike Aegies, Moirae was the one who still had to eat it if it didn't turn out.
Dinner ended up being an interesting experiement. I set out to do my usual mushroom/onion tomato sauce, only to discover that I not only didn't have a jar of red sauce, I also didn't even have any canned tomatoes/tomato paste either.
All my onions, garlic and mushrooms are chopped. The butter is in the pan, and I'm about to start sauteeing. I have to make sauce out of SOMETHING.
Luckily what I did have: More butter, a pint of cream, and an assload of cheese. Impromtu experimental alfredo-esque saucy-goodness was my goal. I realize as I'm furiously grating cheese into the cream that I don't have nearly enough pasmesean to make this work. Once again: what do I have? I have a metric fuckton of mizithra. So I ground up three quarters of the block of mizithra into the sauce, and while stirring, managed to get the penne cooked.
Pasta goes onto the plate, sauteed veggies on top, and then drenched in the resulting cheese sauce. If I'd only had twice as much parmesean plus the mizithra, it would have been fucking fantastic. As it was, it was damn good. Certainly for the first time ever making a cream sauce of any kind. I can thank Aegies for the many times being able to observe the constuction of his fabulous but artery clogging alfredo, and the quiet guidence of Moirae reminding me to not let the pan get too hot. Which is great for him, because unlike Aegies, Moirae was the one who still had to eat it if it didn't turn out.

Sorry hon that I missed your call. I passed right out. Being a mom is killing my sleep. Woke up yesterday at 6am and was going non stop. Sorry I didn't make it out there. I have a tank of gas to last me until the 1st of Feb and no money to refill it. Patrick hasn't found a job yet so we are living off my money. I had a little bit of money which was going to take me out to Sac and back last night but Patrick had a job interview and so I had to give him the money to get gas. It sucks but until he gets a job we are just stuck at home. I did really want to come out I miss seeing you. And I miss everyone and it is starting to get to me, being at home all the damn time. But as soon as he gets a job I will be out there or I will have a get together at my place or something that will make it up to you.
Thanks for having us last night! I had a great time and I will definitely be visiting you at work once I get paid. My face still feels great!