Well, long time no commenty.
School and work have been keeping me busy. The physics class is going well, I guess. There've been quite a few bumps in the road, but I'm learning. In fact, I'm teaching the calculus-based optics/E & M class next semester so, well, there goes my winter break, but the class'll be fun (read: challenging).
I guess I've officially picked my research 'topic.' It's still broad and needs to be narrowed, but I've been working with my adviser and things are shaping up. Granted, I've had my nose buried in a book on tensor analysis, a book on fluid dynamics and my old vector calc book, but what the hey? Oh, the research? Partial differential equations theory and Flame Dynamics. Yep, fire and combustion. Very sweet.
Anyway, Happy Halloween! And stuff.
School and work have been keeping me busy. The physics class is going well, I guess. There've been quite a few bumps in the road, but I'm learning. In fact, I'm teaching the calculus-based optics/E & M class next semester so, well, there goes my winter break, but the class'll be fun (read: challenging).
I guess I've officially picked my research 'topic.' It's still broad and needs to be narrowed, but I've been working with my adviser and things are shaping up. Granted, I've had my nose buried in a book on tensor analysis, a book on fluid dynamics and my old vector calc book, but what the hey? Oh, the research? Partial differential equations theory and Flame Dynamics. Yep, fire and combustion. Very sweet.
Anyway, Happy Halloween! And stuff.
I'm sure that you'll do fine. Considering that your physics class is going on so well, I have no reason to doubt that this will also go well for you.
I look forward to hearing more about your research topic in the near future!