So the other night I had a strange dream.
What I remember of it involved Flux, myself and some guy I don't know running around inside a large, old-style, four-star hotel. (I don't normally dream of SGs so that's what makes this odd--then again, perhaps I'm odd for not regularly dreaming of SGs). At some point, the three of us ended up in a room, making out on an enourmous bed. After a time I jumped up and ran out of the room (I was still dressed). I made my way to a large convention hall that was filled with Masons (some dressed in the regalia of various concordant bodies--since I'm only a member of Blue Lodge, the regalia was primarily made up by SubCon), including several members and officers from Santa Barbara. We chatted for a while before I ran back to tell Flux that there were Masons in the building and that she should come check it out. That's it.
Yeah, I know. It's the crazy.
At least it didn't have math in it.
What I remember of it involved Flux, myself and some guy I don't know running around inside a large, old-style, four-star hotel. (I don't normally dream of SGs so that's what makes this odd--then again, perhaps I'm odd for not regularly dreaming of SGs). At some point, the three of us ended up in a room, making out on an enourmous bed. After a time I jumped up and ran out of the room (I was still dressed). I made my way to a large convention hall that was filled with Masons (some dressed in the regalia of various concordant bodies--since I'm only a member of Blue Lodge, the regalia was primarily made up by SubCon), including several members and officers from Santa Barbara. We chatted for a while before I ran back to tell Flux that there were Masons in the building and that she should come check it out. That's it.
Yeah, I know. It's the crazy.
At least it didn't have math in it.

It's no crazier than some of the dreams that I've had.